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A Review of Biden’s Foreign Policies

Essay Instructions:

For this research paper, let's imagine that you've just been selected as the new National Security Advisor for President Biden. On your first day, the President has asked for a detailed review of an aspect of his foreign policy objectives that he outlined during his campaign. For reference, here is a summary (that we've discussed in class): https://joebiden(dot)com/americanleadership/.

As an expert in your field, the President is looking for you to reference theories of international relations in your paper as well as provide current examples of how these theories are playing out in the real world. You have to select an issue that is narrow enough in scope to be able to do a focused review. I'll work with each of you on your proposed topic to ensure that it's manageable within the guidelines outlined below.

This is an important assignment, worth 15% of your final grade. It will be due no later than the start of class on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 9:00AM and I'll be looking for a file upload in Canvas. My grading guidelines for our research paper will be the same as what I’ve used for our policy analysis paper, our weekly journal assignments, and our exams. Here's what I’m looking for:

5-7 pages in length, double spaced. Longer is certainly fine if you want to elaborate on any issues.

Original thought and clarity in your writing, incorporating our readings, class discussions, and outside references

Proper MLA citations for any outside references

On-time (or early) submission

To help you properly prepare, by Thursday, November 11 (9:00AM) I'd like you to submit (via Canvas) your proposed topic and a draft outline of your paper. This is a requirement and this submission will be factored into your overall grade on the paper. I'm available to help you develop your papers before this deadline. While it's certainly possible that some of you may pick the same topic (and that's fine), I'd like to ensure that we cover a range of issues to provide a comprehensive foreign policy review.

We have the opportunity here to create a very informative and collaborative product. Each of you brings an interesting perspective to this assignment and I'm looking forward to working with you on this. So we can all benefit from this assignment, I will also be asking you to present your analysis to your fellow classmates in a short presentation in one of our classroom sessions (December 6 9, or 13 - schedule TBD). This presentation will be worth 10% of your final grade so it's also very important. More details on this will follow.

As always, please reach out to me at any time with questions related to this assignment. I'm really looking forward to a review of your work. Good luck.


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Essay Sample Content Preview:
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A Review of Biden’s Foreign Policies
During Joe Biden’s presidential election campaigns, he outlined some foreign policy objectives to be implemented during his first 100 days as the president. One aspect of the policy objectives outlined relates to addressing the prevailing climate crisis: the Biden administration is determined to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and lead a major diplomatic push to increase the ambitions of countries; climate targets. Biden’s intent on convincing other world nations to make more ambitious national pledges to reduce emissions. Realism is one theory of international relations that has underpinned much of U.S. foreign policy and national security. It is founded on the premise that countries act as unitary rational parties in an anarchic space with no unified order by capitalizing on interests based on power politics nations to make more ambitious national pledges to reduce emissions. This essay provides a review of President Joe Biden's foreign policy initiatives on climate change domestically and internationally.
Joe Biden has cautioned that climate change posed an existential threat to human civilization as we know it and have also encouraged other world leaders to start on a revolutionary shift to clean energy. While doubts persist about the U.S. president's capacity to carry out this agenda at home. However, these arguments are not as persuasive as their positions on war, security contests, and great power rivalry in international politics (Khan 16).  Poorer nations want wealthy nations to pay for renewable energy that will reduce their carbon emissions. This is a critical problem since these nations, primarily located in the southern hemisphere, are experiencing the most severe effects of climate change. Nevertheless, the wealthy nations are unwilling to raise government spending and want global development financial institutions and the private industry to supply the majority of funding. Biden has claimed that wealthier, large polluters like the U.S. bear an enormous obligation to assist smaller nations with the increased floods, fires, and heatwaves exacerbated by global warming.
Moreover, the president highlighted that his planned climate policy, which Congress passed, would be the largest investment in climate mitigation undertaken by any advanced nation. The Climate Crisis is an external problem that affects all countries, necessitating the formation of a worldwide coalition to combat it. America's foreign strategy on climate change should take a pragmatic approach, involving both traditional and unconventional allies. Climate change's direct and indirect consequences necessitate concerted action by all countries, developing and developed alike. This coalition should not be focused on re-establishing world order or resolving bilateral issues. Additionally, it should work to persuade all governments to strengthen their commitment to combating climate change.
To date, Joe Biden’s administration has been dubbed the most ambitious U.S. administration with a planned $1.7 trillion investment in bringing the United States to zero emissions by 2050. Biden has asserted that it will benefit the U.S economy and jobs. The goal is to develop a statutory standard that requires global corporations to quantify and report on the risks posed by climate change (Bodansky 83). The Paris climate agreement has been a watershed for a while in the world’s response to climate change, which many environmental organizations believe has been inadequately robust. However, the international treaty struck in Paris has paved the way for a strong coalition of nation-states to fight against climate change. According to a Waltian theory of climate change, governments should use COP26 to weigh the threat of climate change and agree on a route forward for lowering global carbon emissions (Bodansky 83). The Climate Crisis is not a conventional threat, as Walt envisioned it. A climate change alliance would not imply the enhancement of military capabilities or the conclusion of defense treaties. It would require governments to create and adapt their energy production and consumption methods, food production and management, forest and other landscape management, and consumption levels. A Waltman coalition on climate change comes the closest to resolving the causes of climate change and establishing a response to its symptoms that realism has to offer. Suppose nations can rationalize the danger of climate change wi...
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