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Social Sciences
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COVID 19 Outbreak and How it Has Affected People in The US and Other Parts of the World

Essay Instructions:

Throughout this course, you have researched a social issue that is important to you, your community, your country, or the world. In this Research Report final project, you will summarize what you have learned about this issue throughout the course and consider how the use of an interdisciplinary perspective has helped you understand the issue.
The paper should... begin with an introduction. Identify the current social issue. Why did you choose this issue? How does it affect you, your community, your country, or the world? [CO 4]
identify the two social science disciplines you chose to use to examine this issue. Why did you choose these two disciplines? What concepts or ideas in each did you find useful and why? [CO 1, 4]
describe what you learned about your issue from the first social science you chose. What research methods were used in the studies you read? What is one potential ethical issue in this social science? [CO 1, 2, 5]
describe what you learned about your issue from the second social science you chose. What research methods were used in the studies you read? What is one potential ethical issue in this social science? [CO 1,2, 5]
end with a conclusion. How did the use of an interdisciplinary approach help you better understand this issue? What role does social science play in understanding society? [CO 3, 4]
The Final Research Report must...
be five to six double-spaced pages (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Library’s APA Document Formatting page https://libguides(dot)umgc(dot)edu/apa-document-formatting.
include a separate title page.
use at least four scholarly sources. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
document all sources in APA style as outlined in the UMGC Library’s Cite Right APA Style (7th Edition) resource: https://libguides(dot)umgc(dot)edu/citeright/apa.
also include a separate references page formatted according to APA style as outlined in UMGC Library’s Cite Right APA Style (7th Edition) resource: https://libguides(dot)umgc(dot)edu/citeright/apa.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

COVID 19 and its Impact on Society
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COVID 19 and its Impact on Society
The current social issue that will be analyzed in this essay is the outbreak of COVID 19 and how it has affected people in the US and other parts of the world. The reason for choosing this social issue is because of the disruptions caused by the pandemic. Millions of people have lost their jobs, and many companies have been closed due to the pandemic. The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of the financial system, communities, and individuals. It has also shown how different governments are not prepared to deal with a pandemic like COVID in their health systems. The pandemic has been instrumental in making people rethink how economic and social activities should be organized. Some of the organizations that can help reshape the post-crisis economies include cooperative, mutual, and foundations built under the principles of solidarity and cooperation.
Social Sciences Discipline used to Examine the Issue.
Social sciences play a critical role in analyzing human behavior and how society operates. The social sciences that will be used in this article are economics and Political Science. Although social sciences do not have a significant role in the production of vaccines, they can explain why some people take the vaccines while some individuals are opposed to the medications. The political scientists will be able to explain the measures that have been taken by the government and why such measures are essential for the well-being of the country. On the other hand, the economist will explain the impact that COVID has had on the communities, the nation, and the globe. The insights that social scientists provide play a critical role in guiding the government on the strategies that should be used to combat the spread of the virus. Apart from giving people vaccines, social scientists can answer questions such as how the pandemic affects people based on their age, socioeconomic status, and the short-term and long-term impacts of the pandemic on the globe.
What I Learned from the first Social Sciences: Economics
There are several things that I have learned through analyzing COVID 19 as using economic as a social science subject. To deal with the rising number of COVID cases, some protocols had to be implemented, such as social distancing The World Bank, 2020). Quarantine has also been another policy that has helped reduce the number of people affected by COVID (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). Although the number of people that have been affected has declined, the economy has been hit hard by the pandemic. The manufacturing industry is one of the sectors that has been dramatically affected by COVID as companies shut down to reduce the infection of new people (The World Bank, 2020). China is one of the leading producers of goods, but its companies have to be shut because the virus started (The World Bank). After studying economics and how people are affected by the pandemic, I concluded that most countries do not have policies that would cushion them against such a phenomenon.
There has been a decline in Asia, Africa, and Europe with varying degrees of contraction. The Pacific and East Asia economies contracted by 0.5%. And 2.7% respectively (The World Bank). The pandemic has reversed the progress that many countries have made, which is bound to push people back to poverty. The social study has also been instrumental in highlighting how the tourist and the aviation industry have been affected. There is a close relationship between the aviation industry and the tourist industry. When one sector is affected, the whole economy suffers. A majority of people, for example, rely on airlines to get from one continent to the other. However, because of the halt in the services offered by airlines, tourist destinations also had to shut down due to a lack of clients. Efforts are, however, being made gradually to ensure the economies are going back to where they were before the pandemic.
The research method that has been used in understanding the economic impact of COVID is qualitative analysis. The data that has been used in this part of the essay comes from the United Nations website, the International monetary fund, and the World bank. The three institutions have been instrumental in helping countries, and cooperatives overcome the challenges that the COVID outbreak has caused. There are also primary and secondary sources that have been used in this section to analyze the economic impact of COVID on the USA and the globe. The data available from these international organizations have been critical in analyzing how the different economies have shrunk and the projections for growth in the coming years. The data has also been instrumental in highlighting how different governments can improve their e...
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