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M6A1 Project 3B Assignment: Religious Fundamentalism

Essay Instructions:

This activity will enable you to •Analyze a social science question or issue using appropriate theory and method and recommend possible solutions to the problem. (Social Science Outcome #1). •Analyze international and global issues and problems and articulate how politics, cultural differences, economics, and religions may shape various perspectives and proposed solutions these problems. (General Education Outcome #5). •Read the following from Lechner and Boli (Eds.), (2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.). ◦Introduction to Part IX. ◦Chapter 52: Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims. ◦Chapter 53: Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah. ◦Chapter 54: The Christian Revolution. ◦Chapter 55: American Evangelicals: The Overlooked Globalizers and Their Unintended Gospel of Modernity. ◦Chapter 56: Globalizing Catholicism and the Return to a "Universal" Church. https://mbsdirect(dot)vitalsource(dot)com/#/books/9781118737408/cfi/0 Before beginning this essay, be sure to review the module notes and your discussion board posts, as well as your notes from all of the readings and videos. Historical details are important here! The essay will only be as convincing and as interesting as the examples you cite to support your points. •View the following videos: ◦The Battle for Islam [Video file] ◦The Quran and the American Dream [Video file][52 min 00 sec] ◦Brazil [Video file][37 min 00 sec] Write an essay that answers the following two questions: •What makes "fundamentalism" a distinctly global phenomenon? What are its likely long-term impacts? Please base your analysis on direct quotes from the writings of any three of the following five scholars we've studied in the Module: Kurzman (2002), Roy (2004), Jenkins (2002), Yates (2002) and Casanova (1999). At least one of the writings should be about Islam. Please illustrate all your main points with detailed examples drawn from (1) the reading, (2) current events, and/or (3) where relevant, your own personal experience.. Evaluation Criteria Keep the following points in mind: •The project should demonstrate understanding of assigned reading materials for the module.. •The analysis is appropriate, and relevant examples have been cited.. Your essay should be 1200-1500 words in length (not including the cover page), double-spaced and in 12-point font. Be sure to submit your project in one Word document in APA format, and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox, no later than 11:55 PM (ET) on the Sunday at the end of Module 6.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
What Makes "Fundamentalism" A Distinctly Global Phenomenon?
Fundamentalism alludes to the phenomenon in a religion where the believers embrace the early forms of religion with the perception that it’s beyond criticism, and worthy to be enforced upon other people without presenting any logical arguments. For instance, Lechner and Boli (2015) refer to the situation where some people in Islam, who are commonly referred to as Islamist show the characteristics of fundamentalists. According to the authors, the aim of these groups is to enforce the Islamic law in Islamic countries by trying to unify all Muslims and convert other unbelievers. The groups see violence as the most appropriate means of achieving their objectives (Lechner & Boli, 2015, p. 416). Various commentators show that people had largely started to witness fundamentalism in the 20th century, and it has continued to spread with the new millennium. People who embrace this way of life argue that they are the descendant and preservers of the true and traditions of the region. Suggestively, they should not be regarded as a contemporary manifestation of beliefs and ideologies that other people left in the distant past. Nevertheless, the emphasizes that these people raise and the issues they seek to address could not be so, if they were not exposed to the modern world. Oliver Roy supports these sentiments by stating that “ the illusion held by the Islamic radicals is that they represent tradition, when in fact, they express a negative form of westernization” (Lechner & Boli, 2015, p. 424). From these comments; one can argue that westernization has been popularized and spread across the globe, especially with the rise of globalization. Suggestively, better means of transport, advancement in technology, and media are the key drivers of globalization, and they are significant factors that have led to the spread of western cultures. From this perspective, the factors influencing globalization can be considered as what makes fundamentalism a distinctly global phenomenon.
Crabtree (2012) review shows that the essence of the written word has contributed significantly to the development of human beings since the stone paintings to the modern means of presenting text. The author notes that the written word is critical for industries and technology, as it has facilitated rapid changes to take place, increasing efficiency and human development. Nevertheless, the written world has the tendency to slow down cultural change. According to Crabtree (2012), once something is written and embraced by people, the longer it persists and generations continue to read it, the more it defines the cultural truth. Philip Jenkins states that in the last century, Christianity has shifted its influence to Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Resultantly, the biggest Christian groups are now in Africa and Latin America (Lechner & Boli, 2015, p. 429). People in these regions had their traditional religious beliefs that were overturned by the introduction of Christianity during the Europen colonial era.
Many people have grown reading the Bible, which is the written word of Christianity. The Bible has been translated into many languages to facilitate the spread and expansion of Christianity. The fact that people have embraced it and live by its teaching, it has become a cultural part of many communities across the world. Concepts of fundamentalism that are sparked by these teachings of the Bible are likely to have an impact on all Christians, who are skeptical about the issues presented by an influential individual (Sousa, 2006). For instance, Christians have long been divided on the case of gay marriages, although the legal provisions in various countries have accepted it. Crabtree (2012) states that the more often it is written down, the harder it is to challenge.
Globalization has presented new ventures to spreading the religious teaching, with languages such as English being universal and understood by many recipients (Berggren & Nilsson, 2015). Additionally, religious messages have become more solid and are interpreted more literally. Philip Jenkins states that “the newer churches in the south can read the Bible in a way that makes Christianity look like a different religion from the faith of prosperous, advanced societies of Europe or North America (Lechner & Boli, 2015, p. 433).” From this perspective, the way religious texts are read and interpreted combined with modern individualism and other forces such as the media and the internet can lead to vitriolic and committed fundamentalists, who lack lateral links to their social settings.
José Casanova states that globalization is offering the Catholic church an opportunity for transnational religious regimes, which could not be achieved in a system of independent nation-states (Lechner & Boli, 2015, p. 443). Casanova explains that for the Pope's voice to be effective, there is a need for communication to be achieved across state boundaries and use local churches (Lechner & Boli, 2015, p. 445). Additionally, the Catholic Church has benefited from the globalization of mass media, which has been effective in spreading the doctrine. Other notable influences include social movements and transnational institutions that have facilitated the establishment of autonomous civil societies.
According to Casanova, the Catholic church is a significant multinational organization in the contemporary world system (Lechner & B...
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