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Comments on Learning Style or Gardners Theory for a Parent

Essay Instructions:

There are 6 comments on professor post 3 for 3-1 and 3 for 3-2 the questions are provided. in-text citation and reference page

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Child Development
Sometimes we as parents tell our kids not to watch too much TV or sit at the computer all day, but then we do this ourselves. What value might there be in finding out how much time the parents are spending in electronic oriented activities? Dr. Geyer
The value lies in the need to show their children by example. If the parents spend too much time at the computer, it is going to be very difficult for them to discourage their children from doing the same. As such, controlled use of the electronics should be done by example. This way the children will have an example to follow (Immergut, 2016).
How might you explain a concept like learning style or Gardner’s theory to a parent in a manner that is would help them to understand their child? Dr. Geyer
The intelligence of child is not defined by a single entity that largely defined along the lines of what they are doing in class. It is important to understand that there are a number of abilities that define the intelligence of a child and they should be considered as a conglomerate not framed into one (Smith, 2012). A child may not be good in math in class but they may have excellent acting skills, sporting skills among others. As such their abilities when discovered early enough should not be limited but encouraged even though they may not be reflected on the school curriculum (Smith, 2012).
1 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV) states, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.” Adults can often forget what it is like to be a child! Apply this verse to your understanding of the development of an 8-year old. What insights might be gleaned from how to respond with regard to the child and with regard to the parent? Dr. Geyer
When growing up, there are certain habits that a child will adopt which indicate that they are developing. This means that, as a parent, there are habits that a child was used when they were much younger and should show signs that they have outgrown them. The child is also supposed to understand that there are habits they should drop as they grow older.
Think back to the Bobo doll experiments by Bandura. Here is a link with a brief video from those experiments: /watch?v=hHHdovKHDNU with some narration by Bandura. The modeling of “aggressive behavior” with the Bobo doll is relatively mild compared to what we see today on television. Those children involved in the experiment re-enacted immediately the things they saw the model do. Considering that children spen an average of 4 hours a day in front of the television (KidHealth.org, 2013), what impact would seeing even ju...
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