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War, traficking, aboriginal views and peace (Gender relation and Conflict studies)

Essay Instructions:
read all material first. Be specific rather than general in your answer. Think and assess diverse aspects of the question. Respond from the readings rather than whether you agree or disagree, unless you are sure it adds to the paper. There is no ‘correct' answer, as there are many ways to answer the questions. The answer is not a summary of the topic. The papers need to be well structured, clear, precise and well written. Plan the paper to avoid rambling. Avoid words and phrases such as: in my opinion, in the readings the author said, it could be said that, that the topic is too large to discuss adequately... etc. Please check spelling and grammar.!!!!! Each assignmen must be typed, double-­‐spaced and in a readable font. Cover sheets are not required Only sources ONLY!!! War,Trafficking,Aboriginal Views and Peace Here are the sources: 1)In the War Zone: How does gender matter? http://athome(dot)harvard(dot)edu/programs/iwz/ 2) Gender, Race, Islam & the War on Terror http://www(dot)workingtv(dot)com/gender-­‐race-­‐islam.html Listen to at least 7 videos. 3) Women and War Conference: November 2010 video archives http://www(dot)usip(dot)org/events/women-­‐and-­‐war/video-­‐archive#women Scroll down to Watch the "Women and War" Conference (November 4, 2010): Watch several videos. Question: Discuss five intersection points between women and war. How are these relevant to the global study of gender and conflict?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Five intersection points between women and war, and how these are relevant to the global study of gender and conflict
War as everybody knows it and views it is a man’s thing and women are not even remotely related to the war. (Faust,2006) states "War has, throughout human history, been an overwhelmingly gendered activity,” This is a big lie that needs to be corrected in the sense that even if the women might not be in the forefront of the war they are part and parcel of the war.
War affects everyone and not the men who participate in it, it is a fact that women play an equal or even greater role than men whose only thinking about war is to fight. Women are the ones who are among the victims of the war i.e. they are sexually molested and killed, it is the women who will be negotiators to their men to stop the war, it is also the women’s role to take care of all the casualties and offer protection to children who are defenseless, they are the ones who are peacemakers and reconcilers after the war and it’s the women who pick up the pieces of war and build the nation again (Arat-koc, 2006)
This five roles that women play in the society have a lot of impact to what the society wil...
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