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Refugee Crisis in the US

Essay Instructions:

theoretical and historical debates of human rights doctrine and contemporary human rights issue of your choosing. The purpose of this paper is to explore the historical and current nuances of the issue you selected, examine how it undermines state sovereignty (if it does), how human rights are violated and what has been the domestic and/or international response to this issue. Suggestion: you can focus on your particular issue in one country (again, of your choosing), as it may make the assignment more manageable that way.

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Refugee Crisis in the US
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For decades the refugee crisis has caused social and economic shifts on developed and developing host countries. Since its inception, the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol marked the beginning of the acknowledgment and foundation of immigration and refugee as a collective world problem. Its precepts are a major definition of the role and law human rights officers play in determining the abolishing the notion of refugees as burdens in the nation. The precepts of the 1951 Convention emerged after the First World War during the reign of the League nations, which sought solutions to deal with the huge influx of refugees. Since its inception, the convention has been developed, especially during the Second World War, to contain different refugee situations in various regions worldwide. The uncertainty and unpredictability of these refugee situations have been the breeding ground for the complex and complicated issues in today’s modern contemporary world. Through concerted efforts with independent states, the International community enacts laws to seek long-term solutions for refugees. The 1951 Convention and its 1967 streamline collective action from Governments to offer refugees voluntary repatriation or legal repatriation in their host country. As part of its strategy to achieve durable solutions to cease the refugee problems, the convention has been subject to numerous changes and developments over time. One hundred forty-nine states have adopted these conventions as part of their national laws. This paper aims to explore the evolution of the refugee crisis and the great strides of the International law community to enforce human dignity.
The refugee crisis in the US dates back to the 1930s. Protestants fleeing from persecution and oppression from the Catholics sought sanctuary in the North American colonies. This religious divide was initiated by varying doctrines and practices, leading to constant tensions between groups to maintain dominance (Heilbut, 2019). . Therefore any religious practice out of the norm was ostracized from their countries of origin. Although most of the refugee crisis is embedded in religious, political, and economic troubles, there were subtle differences in their manifestations. Early refugees were treated with dignity and incorporated into the system. Later on these refugees became the founders of the new Americas the 1951 convention defines refugees as people fleeing from their country of origin without legal documentation due to violence, persecution, discrimination, political instability, natural disasters, or in search of greener pastures (Weis, 1999).
At the height of the First World War, the US experienced an unprecedented influx of refugees from war-torn countries such as France and Germany. This caused great instability and suppressed the economic, social, and political prowess of the US Government (Heilbut, 2019). In this light of approach, International community embarked on a journey to provide safe space for persecuted and ostracized members facing serious threats to their life and freedom. Later on after the Second World War, the international community strengthened and developed collective government actions between member states to deal with the waves of refugees. This led to the development of the 1951 refugee convention which is fundamental principle of International law. The central tenets of the convention state that countries are obligated to protect and respect refugees and provide access to social amenities to offset their burden. This encompasses the freedom to enjoy human rights. Member states are expected to abide by principle and values that enhance human rights in their efforts to address the refugee problem.
Since then the International community has been vocal in concerted efforts between member states to protect and respect the rights of refugees. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has emphasized the need to host and provide solace to all refugees regardless of age, status, ethnicity, background, or origin. This principle has been at the core of the International community for the longest time. There were concessive efforts to reinstate the respect of the persecuted refugees while seeking durable solutions to ensure they adapt and continue with their lives.
Current Nuances
However the advent of modest economies and mature democracies led to the transformation of foreign policies to regulate the inflow of immigrants and oversee the arrival of future refugees. The US government has implemented stringent migration policies that violate their rights to life and freedom. With a majority of these refugees being Muslims, there has been a widespread of radical beliefs entailing islamophobia and xenophobia within the country. There have been widespread of radical beliefs entailing islamophobia and xenophobia within America, which has led to public anxiety of possible extensions of acts of doctrine fights in the host countries ((Waikar, 2018). The upheaval of such issues has anchored the public policies enacted into power regarding immigration. For instance during Donald Trump’s reign in office, there have been various budgetary restrictions that have significantly impacted refugees' social and economic welfare during their stay in the US. Trump's administration's immigration initiatives have exacerbated the rise of islamophobia to higher proportions in the US. Refugees are alienated and treated with contempt, which augments disproportionate access to social amenities and relief. Since then, budgetary relief for refugees has drastically declined. The successive wave of refugees has been characterized by the formation of stringent policies which suppress refugees’ administration in America. Furthermore, continuous prejudice and stigmatization against refugees result in denial of full refugee status, thus curtailing refugees' attempt to secure a job, social security, political participation, and other civic duties. For, example during Donald Trump's reign in office the widespread of flawed perspectives and critical criticism of the Muslim refugees set them up for ridicule and danger ((Waikar, 2018).
State Sovereignty
For decades refugee crisis has been an enigma that has been under the focal lens of the international community. This social menace had been heightened by the tragic feature of our troubled times. War-torn countries across the Middle East, Africa have gradually contributed to the speed and scale of immigration. This massive displacement and destruction of human lives have elicited highly polarized debates on the reception and sustainability of refugees in the host countries. However, the US Government has had absolute control over its borders and has the power and mandate to monitor the exit and entry of people. However, as a significant member of the International community, the US author...
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