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Social Aspects and Long Term Effect of Bullying and the Bullies that Target Children

Essay Instructions:

Incorporate at least 8 reputable sources. 3 of the 8 sources should be audio visual and 5 should be sources that you quote, paraphrase, or summarize. A variety of sources must be used. All online sources is not acceptable. Use a combination of direct quoting and summarizing.  Make sure to review the essay grading rubric (click the 3 dots in the upper right corner, then click "Show Rubriel. I am copying, the Guidelines f or this essay here just in case you may not have read them over in a while. 
Guidelines for Essay 3 Note: Many of the same guidelines and structural format from Essays 1 and 2 are repeated here. Since you have practice with both the MLA and the APA Style, this time you'll choose which documentation style works best for your topic. 1. Incorporate at least 8 reputable sources into your general essay. Three (31 of these 8 will he audio/visual sources. and five will be sources that you quote, paraphrase, or summarize just like we've done in the previous two essays. Therefore, you will have 8 sources on your Works Cited or References page. 2. Use a variety of sources (at least 3 types), Choose from the following types of sources: • Online databases (Ebsco. SIRS, Infotrac. Infobase, CQ Researcher. CREDO Reference. etc.) • E-books • Reputable Online Source such Pew Research. • Recent books and pamphlets You will be graded on your use of a variety of these types of sources. Using ONLY websites is NOT an option. Using ALL EBSCOhost is NOT an option, etc. Make sure your sources support your specific points and do not simply touch on your broad topic in general. The research sources are used to enhance and strengthen your arguments and explanations. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO VERY IMPORTANT TO WRITE A WELL-DEVELOPED ESSAY USING YOUR OWN WORDS, THOUGHTS, AND OBSERVATIONS BEFORE ADDING RESEARCH. 3. Use a combination of direct quoting and either summarizing or paraphrasing for text sources. Direct quoting should be reserved for statistics or a unique qpote from an expert. NOTE: YOU ARE USING EITHER THE MLA OR THE APA STYLE THIS TIME. BE SURE TO REVIEW ALL GUIDELINES LEARNED IN PREVIOUS MODULES. 4. Self edit using the self-Editing Guide. 5. After you've edited your own paper, fix as many mistakes as you can 6. Ask me as many questions as 7. After I give you advice, submit your final copy to the assignment box, PLEASE DO eSSAY WITH LESS THAN FIVE WHOLE PAGES. OR BETTER YET, ON TO THE SIXTH PAGE. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bullies That Target Children and Social Aspects of Bullying
Student’s Name
Bullies That Target Children and Social Aspects of Bullying
Bullying may have a negative impact on everyone, including those who are tormented, those who harass, and those who are witnesses to bullying. Bullying is associated with various negative consequences, including poor effects on mental health, drug abuse, and suicide. Children who bully others are more likely to participate in violent and other harmful activities as they grow older. Children who bully are more prone than other children to misuse alcohol and other drugs throughout adolescence and adulthood, engage in fights, vandalize property, fail to complete their education, and engage in early sexual activity (Fraser, 2019). The bullies often grow up with criminal convictions, traffic citations, or become abusive to their wives or children. Bullies who target children regularly frequently suffer emotionally and socially. They have a hard time not only making friends but also maintaining healthy friendships. The social and emotional impact, along with the academic impact, are all reasons to be concerned.
First, bullying can lead to decreases in academic performance. The physical signs of bullying might include stomach problems, headaches, and difficulty sleeping for those tormented regularly. These negative effects may be accompanied by concern about attending school or engaging in class, leading to further lack of motivation and lower academic performance (Menesini & Salmivalli, 2017). Children being bullied cannot focus in class and forget about assignments. Students who are bullied often struggle academically since they find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. In fact, among the first symptoms that a kid is being taunted is a drop in academic performance. Kids may also become so distracted by harassment that they neglect their schoolwork or have trouble paying attention in class, leading to academic failure. The children being bullied often have many absences because they dread going to school. This habit might also result in a decrease in academic performance. And when a bullied kid’s grades begin to slip, it adds to the already high levels of stress that the youngster is already facing. Besides, their test scores are below average because they are less engaged in the learning process. For example, children who attend schools with a high level of bullying performed worse on standardized exams than children who attended schools with successful anti-bullying programs. Children in schools with widespread bullying are likely less active in learning because they are too preoccupied or concerned about the bullying.
Being bullied in school doesn’t just stay in school but affects home life as well. First, the kids are extremely emotional because they are scared. There is nothing that family members can do to help their children avoid being bullied since bullying is a decision made by the perpetrator. Even though they can condemn harassment and provide assistance to the victim, they can’t stop it. Nonetheless, they believe they ought to be able to end it, and when they are unable to do so, they frequently feel scared and powerless. It is hard to foresee when and in what capacity bullying may recur in any given situation (Menesini & Salmivalli, 2017). The result will be an array of feelings experienced by the victims and many family members, ranging from rage to anxiousness. The victims often feel alone and isolated since, unfortunately, most individuals do not want to become involved with bullied youngsters. They would choose to remain neutral in a harassing scenario rather than speak up for justice. When a kid is bullied, many others who are not involved impose judgment on the parents and the child. They critique the victim’s parents’ parenting approach and convince themselves that this could certainly never befall their children. These elements contribute to the sensation of loneliness and isolation that victims, caregivers, and other family members experience. The victims might take out their frustration on family members. Arguably, individuals blame the victim whenever they feel that if the child had been different or responded in some way, the incident would never have occurred (Prino et al., 2019). The issue with blaming the victim, on the other hand, is that it absolves the bully of any responsibility and places it on the victim. The victim ends up taking out his frustration on their family members when they feel unsupported.
The emotional trauma from being bullied can last well into adulthood. Kids can continue to struggle with low self-esteem and broken relationships down...
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