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Reflective journal on supervision
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Reflective Journal on Supervision
Looking at my experience, I see that the skills I developed have put me in the right position to undertake the responsibilities of a future supervisor. It has further developed in me a harmonious combination of technical skills, which, are key if one is to lead efficiently. More concretely, I am highly skilled in active listening, empathy, and communicating with intent. One of my key strengths is how I introduce myself to people and embrace them by trying to get the best out of them to have a healthy conversation. By practicing them for years, these attributes normally apply when practicing your profession in different working environments that require teamwork and leadership. Further, my general responsibilities in clinical and analytical positions provided me with strengths of empathy and rationality. This is due to my enthusiasm to build trust from the team members and encouragement.
The other attributes I can apply in the supervisory position, which are familiar to me, incorporate positive feedback skills. I know that constructive criticism is best given when it is given purposely, to help people change with certain positive wisdom, rather than just telling them where they went wrong. For this reason, I make it my duty to always make the feedback deliverable relevant or appeal to the learning modality of the other person. In addition, I possess skills in presenting clear visions of roles and responsibilities, the ability to mentor and steer the targeted team members towards professional growth, and provide constant support to enable the members to achieve their vision and goals. These competencies are crucial in establishing the standard and the organic supervisory relationship to help the growth of the supervisees while at the same time achieving organizational goals and purpose.
If I were to be confronted with any d...
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