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Week 6 Restorative Justice Role Play
Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will select a restorative method (e.g. Victim Offender Mediation, Victim Impact Panels, Family Group Conferencing) and work with friends or family to record a video to demonstrate this method via role play. The role-play will be recorded and posted to Canvas. This assignment allows for more creativity. When and where possible, I would encourage you to use Zoom or Kaltura to have an interactive, recorded session with your fellow classmates. If you would prefer, you can also play the different parts of the restorative method yourself; it may just require some editing skills! This role play should be no longer than 7 minutes.
Role Play Rubric
Role Play Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding/ Content
40 to >37.0 pts
EXEMPLARY Student demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the content.
37 to >34.4 pts
GOOD Student is at ease and demonstrates adequate knowledge of the content.
34.4 to >29.6 pts
SATISFACTORY Student appears to have limited understanding of the subject.
29.6 to >0 pts
UNSATISFACTORY Student does not appear to understand content.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication/ Reflection
40 to >37.0 pts
Student fully applies their knowledge of the textbook/resource material to the role play. Student comprehends deeper meaning, consistently demonstrating insight and their relevance to the world and society.
37 to >34.4 pts
Student applies their knowledge of the textbook/resource material to the role play. Student comprehends deeper meaning on most occasions. Student relates textbook material to most of the activity components.
34.4 to >29.6 pts
Student demonstrates some basic comprehension of the textbook/resource material but does not make connections with the bigger picture.
29.6 to >0 pts
Student does not apply what is in the textbook/resource to the role play.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
20 to >18.5 pts
The role play had a logical sequence. Role play synthesized all topics into a coherent presentation.
18.5 to >17.2 pts
The role play had a decent logical sequence. Transitions successfully between topics.
17.2 to >14.8 pts
The role play had choppy logical sequence and no clear transitions were made.
14.8 to >0 pts
The role play had no logical sequence. (No clear beginning, middle or end).
20 pts
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Restorative Justice in Action: A Victim-Offender Mediation Session
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
November 30, 2024
1 Mediator: Neutral party guiding the discussion.
2 Victim: Alex, whose property was vandalized.
3 Offender: Jamie, a teenager who vandalized the property.
4 Victim’s Support Person: Taylor (optional, for added depth).
SETTING: A mediation room (can be simulated via Zoom or in person). A table or neutral setting is sufficient.
DURATION: Approximately 7 minutes.
Scene 1: Opening the Session
(The mediator welcomes the victim and offender to the session.)
"I would also like to thank everyone for attending this event today. My task is to facilitate this process to be helpful and nondefensive. We strive to give both of you a chance to present your opinions, seek a shared vision, and, if needed, bring a solution. So let us start by presenting ourselves.”
Victim (Alex):
“I'm Alex. I am here because of vandalism on my property. I want to know why this was done so we can proceed to the next step.”
Offender (Jamie):
“I'm Jamie. When something is wrong, I can be responsible and correct it."
Scene 2: Victim’s Perspective
(Mediator invites Alex to share their feelings and perspective.)
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