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Reflection Paper on Human Trafficking and Slavery

Essay Instructions:

Students will submit a reflection papers after completing the two activities described below. Papers must be 2-3 pages, double space, 12 point font and will reflect the student’s thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of the assigned activity. 100 points each.

Complete the survey on slaveryfootprint.org  Links to an external site.. As you complete the survey, be sure to read the gray text boxes which includes facts and statistics. In your reflection, be sure to include your score and its meaning. What is your knowledge on human trafficking and fair trade products? Identify and discuss one organization that is working to end human trafficking/slavery or promote fair trade products.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper on Slavery
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Reflection Paper on Slavery
After completing the survey, I found my score to be 84. In general terms, the score means that 84 enslaved people are indirectly working for me. Primarily, the enslaved people work for me by being used in the production of the products I use. For example, the survey boxes provided data concerning bonded labor in South East Asia. The workers are forced to work long hours daily to prepare shrimp. The majority of the prepared shrimp is then exported to the United States. Since I love shrimp, there is a high likelihood that I have taken shrimp from these bonded laborers. It is heartbreaking to learn the extent to which slavery is still entrenched in the modern trade chain.
My knowledge of human trafficking and fair-trade products is quite limited. Prior to taking the survey, I had an iota of the idea that human trafficking does exist. There are times when I get such information when watching the news. In addition, I have also been aware of some companies practicing unfair trade practices. For example, some companies expose workers to debilitating working conditions to maximize profits. However, despite having the idea that there exists human trafficking and unfair trade products, I was not aware of the extent to which the two are entrenched. The slave footprint survey has acted as an eye-opener. It has made me realize that the issue of slavery in the modern world is grave.
One of the organizations working to end human trafficking and s...
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