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Gentrification on Neighborhood

Essay Instructions:

After conducting research on your own about your topic, list at least TWO evidence (quotes, statistics, charts, etc.) you could be using for your paper. For each evidence you found , i) copy and paste the evidence; ii) explain how you think each evidence proves your point. 

Here is a sample:

Evidence # 1

Hankins, Katherine B. "The final frontier: Charter schools as new community institutions of gentrification." Urban Geography 28.2 (2007): 113-128.

“The neo-liberalization of social service provision has enabled private groups, such as middle-class gentrifies, to transform critical social institutions in gentrifying neighborhoods. One such institution is a charter school, which enables private management of public dollars to provide public education. Through interviews and archival analysis, these new dynamics in the gentrification process are explored by examining the importance of a place-based community that is produced and consumed by gentrifies in an in-town neighborhood.”

In the above article, the author discussed the increase of rich and well-educated people (middle class) in gentrified areas who contribute to the improvement of local public schools. On the other hand, regretted that these schools are funded at the expense of poor and lower-income people who are forced to move out of the gentrified areas.

I will use the above statement to justify my thesis that gentrification has both positive and negative effects on our neighborhood.

Evidence # 2

Atkinson, Rowland. Does gentrification help or harm urban neighborhoods? An assessment of the evidence-base in the context of a new urban agenda. Vol. 5. Glasgow: ESRC Centre for Neighborhood Research, 2002.

“The government is committed to encouraging the revitalization of our towns and cities in a socially just vision of development. However, there are concerns that encouraging a back to the city movement of the middle classes may lead to gentrification or that similar results may” come about if private sector re-investment is encouraged in the most deprived areas through tax relief on conversions and re-use and the decontamination of inner-urban land.”

The evidence from the above-named article will enable me to answer the question ‘Does gentrification help or harm urban neighborhoods?’ The government's effort to encourage the development of our neighborhood is a good intention. However, back to the city movement of the middle classes may lead to gentrification.

Go to google scholar for a search.

Or google book

On “Bronx gentrification” or “how gentrification may benefit the poor”

You can choose one of them and then search

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Finding and Annotating Evidence
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Cole, H. V., Mehdipanah, R., Gullon, P., & Triguero-Mas, M. (2021). Breaking down and building up: Gentrification, its drivers, and urban health inequality. Current Environmental Health Reports, 8(2), 157–166. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40572-021-00309-5
"Although some argue that gentrification should reduce social, physical, and health inequalities due to social mixing and improvements in access to cultural and environmental resources and other services among lower-income residents remaining in their neighborhoods, past research shows that by some measures, residential socioeconomic segregation is increasing in neighborhoods experiencing gentrification. Gentrification may lead to the displacement of long-term— usually underprivileged—residents when they are unable to keep up with rising costs of housing and other costs of living, and it may lead to social or cultural exclusion as the population changes, shifting toward one that is wealthier, and more privileged. The increasing costs of living may be linked to heightened fear, anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation for underprivileged residents."
The authors highlight the possible adverse effects of gentrification on people experiencing poverty or residents in the lower income earners bracket. The above excerpt points out that gentrification may cause displacement of underprivileged residents who have lived in the neighborhoods for a long and cannot sustain the rising cost of living and housing. Such displacement can be detrimental as it may cause an escalation in socioeconomic segregation in the neighborhoods that are facing gentrification. Moreover, the neighborhood population is shifting to more privileged and wealthier people. This shift may result in cultural and social exclusions of the original members of the neighborhood or community. The researchers also observe that the increase in the cost of living constitutes a causative factor to incre...
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