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Obstacles Faced by Transgender Youth

Essay Instructions:

TOPIC: List and discuss important aspects of transgender development. Identify and discuss the societal obstacles faced by transgender youth.

Suggested length: 5 to 6 typed double-spaced pages plus title and references pages.

Researching the essays: Students are required to use course materials (i.e., course modules, required readings, readings for further research/essay assignments, and the textbook) as the main sources for writing the essays. Use a minimum of 3 references. Students may also supplement course materials with other references but this not required.

**I will provide screenshots of course module information**

Referencing Course Modules in the Essays. Here are examples of how to reference course modules in the essays:

According to the model developed by Cass (1984 cited in CFNF 400, 2023, Module 5), gay, lesbian, bisexual identity development has six distinct stages.

The stages of identity development refer to a person's internal psychological development while the process of coming out refers mostly to a person's social development (CFNF 400, 2023, Module 5).


Recommended Essay Structure:

1) Title Page

Name of institution

Your name

Name of Course

Essay title (Give your essay a specific title that reflects its content)

Instructor's name

Date completed

2) Introduction

Start this section with the heading Introduction

Introduce your topic with a brief overview (1 or 2 paragraphs) of the issue you will be discussing.

If necessary, define key terms that will be used in the essay.

Describe in precise words what your essay objectives are and how you are going to approach your topic. For example, "In this essay, I will examine...... In conclusion, it will be suggested that...."

3) Main Body

Provide a main heading relevant to your topic

Present your observations, findings, research, or arguments in a systematic fashion that is consistent with what you said you would do in the introduction. You may want to divide this part of the essay into several subsections, each with a heading.

4) Conclusion

Use a heading for this section (i.e., Conclusion)

Briefly restate your objectives and summarize the key points/findings from the main body of your essay.

State what conclusions can logically be drawn from your examination of the topic.

5) References Page

List all works that you have cited in your essay (use APA format). Do not include works that have not been cited in your essay.

Please let me know if any links I provide do not work




https://europepmc(dot)org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC4887282&blobtype=pdf(Opens new window)

To access the textbook use this link https://console(dot)pearson(dot)com/console/home


(i will change the password following completion of this assignment)

Chapters to look for: Chapter 2 (p. 33-39 only). Also see Chapter 5, p. 140–142, or look through Chapter 5 in total.

Please let me know if you need further references, the minimum is 3 so i figured if provide extras.

thank you in advance!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Obstacles Faced by Transgender Youth
Author’s Name:
Institution of Affiliation:
Course Name:
Instructor’s Name:
Obstacles Faced by Transgender Youth
Over the years, there has been increased debate regarding the transgender group. The main reason that has prompted this debate is that more youths are coming out and declaring their gender identity or sexual expression, which varies from the gender that they were given at birth. However, despite the increase in the number of individuals that are coming out as transgender, their declaration has not been an easy path. Some of them have faced stigma and discrimination from the members of the society. Even though some of these youths are resilient, there are other instances where these experiences affect their lifestyle and harm their life. Since the country should embrace inclusion, it is critical to understand these youths' suffering.
The paper looks to understand the challenges which transgender youths are facing in society. Furthermore, it will check measures that can be employed to solve the problems experienced by transgender youths in society. The conclusion will summarize the obstacles these youths have been facing and measures that can be employed to improve their experience in the future in boosting equality in society.
Main Body
Even though some people are trying to claim that there are only two genders based on physical appearance, it is evident that there are various sexual orientations. For example, some identify as gay males, lesbians, or heterosexuals (Rathus et al., 2021). Different research has shown that there has been an improvement in society regarding their perspective on transgender topics. For example, the research shows that there have been dramatic social changes regarding LGBTQ people's social acceptance (Russell & Fish, 2016). However, the main question has remained since there has been an improvement in society regarding why some transgender youths have continued to have high mental health issues.
There have been various challenges that this group has been facing. There are instances where they have suffered from some societal risks. There have been instances where these youths have reported cases of family conflict and mistreatment. Furthermore, these youths suffer stigma and discrimination (Bockting et al., 2016). Since most individuals fear the stigma, it is the main reason why they are fearing to come out as transgender due to the fear of the stigma. There have been other scenarios where they have even suffered from family rejection where the family members disown them viewing them as an embarrassment. Moreover, these youths have also suffered from societal bullying since many are not supporting them.
Based on the social/cultural level, they lack enough support from the institutions that could have helped to guide their lives. For example, lacking enough institutions such as faith communities, families, and schools protecting their rights limits their rights and protections. This instance is leaving them more vulnerable in society, an experience compromising their mental health. For instance, although there are many cases of bullying among transgender individuals, only 19 states and the District of Columbia have employed anti-bullying laws for sexual and gender minorities. This is a challenge since the schools that have employed the anti-bullying and nondiscrimination policies have reported fewer victimization and harassment cases as compared to those who have attended schools that do not have these protections. Furthermore, the lack of these policies makes the area that does not have them have double the cases of suicide compared to those that have not employed these policies.
Moreover, even the interpersonal level harms transgender youths due to highly biased-based victimization compared to general harassment. Researchers have shown that gender identity and sexual orientation are the main amplifiers of victimization. Since these youths do not have people to share their problems with, they are lonely. This has been the main reason they are the ones who have high levels of depression, substance abuse, truancy, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Moreover, there have been other instances where this bias has a close relationship in causing the individual distress, affecting their overall well-being in adulthood since these experiences affect their future developmental stages.
Even though there has been a reduction in bullying cases, these cases are fewer among bisexual and gay than hetero...
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