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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
After watching The Story of Stuff, reading about the Happy Planet Index (HPI), and watching Hans Rosling's New Insights on Poverty TED talk, reflect on how you feel about your sense of place in the world. Where do you see the current global trends leading? Are you hopeful? Afraid? Are there any surprises that have come up during the course of this unit that have changed how you think? Are there any changes you are inspired to make? Write a personal reflection of about 500 words. Be sure to make reference to the course material in your reflection.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The future world Name Course Date of submission The future world The three articles reflect on the position of the world in the future. They embark on the growing trends and the likely results the future world. The Story of Stuff focuses on the effects of the various trends on the environment. The happy planet index on the other hand focuses on the happiness of people from various parts of the world and possible factors leading to it. Hans Rosling's "New Insights on Poverty" on the other hand predicts the likely success of various nations in the country and the effect of such moves on the world`s wellbeing (Warner, A. 2013). The predictions of the three reports on the future world based on the current trends pose worrying statistics for the future. The problems facing people in the future will greatly affect the wellbeing of the people and probably endanger their existence and that of other species. Hans Rosling predicts that the developing nations are in the position the western world was years ago. Their rate of development is higher than that of the west and, therefore, their effect on the environment is greater than that of the past. With the great carbon emotions from the already developed world and the increasing emissions in developing countries, the environmental degradation might be unbearable in the future (Leonard, A., & Conrad, A. 2010). Basic commodities like clean water and fresh air to breathe will be scarce. The Happy Planet index suggests that the richest countries are not necessarily the happiest countries in the world. This shows that the factors that promote happiness in a state are not necessarily determined by the wealth of the country. This signifies that even as the developing countries continue to develop they might not necessarily be happier in the future. According to The Story of Stuff, the developed countries use most of the wo...
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