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HRIS Administration Complexities

Essay Instructions:
Write a six to eight 6 page paper in which you: 1. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of using a Web-based compensation tool versus a client-server based or stand-alone PC-based system and then give your opinion on which system would provide the most value to an organization's stakeholders. Include three (3) facts to support your opinion. 2. Justify the use of e-Compensation tools in the job-evaluation process from the perspective of HR, management, and the employee. 3. Evaluate three (3) benefits and three (3) drawbacks of a centralized approach to managing merit pay programs compared to a more decentralized approach. 4. Suggest three (3) types of integrated analytic features that are needed for compensation planning and decision support in e-Compensation systems. 5. Assess the barriers that prevent organizations from realizing the potential of Web-based internal equity tools and propose three (3) approaches to overcome those barriers. 6. Recommend three (3) strategies that HR managers can use to evaluate the quality of market data (surveys, benchmark salary studies, etc.) that they receive from outside sources. 7. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Analyze the complexities of HRIS administration. · Evaluate the role of HRIS with performance management, compensation, benefits, and payroll. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource information systems. · Write clearly and concisely about human resource information systems using proper writing mechanics.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
HRIS Administration Complexities Name: Institution: Date: HRIS ADMINISTRATION COMPLEXITIES Question 1 The web-based compensation tool is usually considered advantageous over the client-server based system because of several reasons. Firstly, the web-based compensation tools are beneficial since they can easily be upgraded and deployed. This a great benefit to the company using these kind of tool as they wouldn’t require to go back to the market if the tool becomes out dated but would only need to add the required to upgrading service. In addition, this kind of tool does not require much IT supports like the client-server based system (Pynes, 2009). This means that it would not need much attention on that area, as well as the fact that it also requires less hardware. However, the client-server system provides superior benefits that overdo those of web-based compensation tool. The physician practice is usually limited in the web-based because the architecture depends on the internet. Moreover, the client-server based system provides a crisper, and a richer interface of the user that outdo the browser. This is due to the number of clicks as well as the easiness of use. The web-based compensation tool has an internet lag, which happens in during internet rush hour, and is very costly. Important information is likely to be accessed during these delays, causing lose business deals, failure of exams, among others. On personal opinion, the best system to use within an organization would be a client server over the web-based compensation tool because it offers set-ups and can be changed without disrupting the client, yet the web-based tool or stand-alone PC must access every peer via internet. For instance, the aid arrangement of the client-server needs quite an effort since the servers are few. This results to limitations of the number of individuals that have access to them. More so, the security features are increased in the servers. A client-server illustrates a sort of computer application structural design within the network. This computes that designate duty between the clients who initiate request as well as servers processing the request. The general evaluation of these systems shows that the client-server based system is better than the slow and costly web-based or stand-alone PC based systems. Question 2 The e-Compensation stands for an approach that is enabled by the web to a collection of compensation tools. These tools facilitate organizations to store, gather, analyze, distribute, manipulate and utilize compensation information and data. E-compensation is very vital for the Human Resources manager as well as the others because it is the best in implementing and keeping track of the necessary records. It assists in deliverance of integration with Human Resources, performance as well as variable compensation. This guarantees the updating of information any time they need it. In addition, e-compensation gives the Human Resources the tools that will be used to model salary, and make plans of cash and non-cash. These plans enable to maintain of improve performance and spend compensation dollars. More so, the Human Resource department is capable of providing total compensation that reports to their employees, which implies that the e-compensation can thus be considered as the valuable preservation tool for all the organizations. The management of these organizations is likely to gain accuracy and efficiency that will enable the management to address the compensation issues. The management also stands a greater chance of accessing online, the information regarding the total compensation workforce, benchmarking of the third party, and salary surveys, which the management would use in requesting or performing salary changes (Cardy & Dobbins, 1996). The e-compensation contains some features like the compensation alerts, which reminds or notifies the managers the completion of a compensation cycle for their group. The changes are usually submitted and afterwards routed to be approved when the cycle is complete. These automated salary eligibility and proration also help in elimination of manual intervention, which is hectic in reference and time consuming, among other shortcomings. The e-compensation also sets up the workflow with much ease in order to automate endorsement routing. The employees are the group that really benefit from this compensation tool as they are assured of safety of the information of data stored regarding their salaries and other non-cash compensations. This would guarantee that they can always receive what is entitled to them without any fraud or fear poorly kept records. Question 3 The centralized approach in management of merit pay becomes beneficial in implementation of certain decisions regarding salaries and compensation. This is because the top executives’ decisions are final and thus advantageous to employees involved. The organizations that operate under a centralized management are able to reduce operational costs. This happens through exploitation of economies of scale, benefit from reduced regulatory costs, as well as minimizing duplication of procedures or efforts. Yet, the merit pay programs are manageable in the sense that the same set of rules...
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