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Recommendation: To Establish Participative Decision Making in School

Essay Instructions:

This is a group project. Read our first and second draft to know what we are doing. I have also uploaded our ppt slides. You will need to write current situation part and recommendation part. We have already written some of these, just need a deeper analysis. Let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Topic: To establish Participative Decision Making in school
Group Memo (Draft II)
Current Situation
Our client is fully supportive of our project. We have informed the client of what Participative Decision Making is and how it is working for El Rancho Schools District. We have also made a handout of basic information of PDM for other faculties including PE teachers and the principle to view and our surveys for faculties and students are separate because we would like to know students' first impressions without knowing the PDM framework behind it. Hopefully, we can get the feedback soon and start to work on more complete recommendations and evaluations. We have contacted Joyce Mann and Joanna Yu for some suggestions. They have invited us to meet Mary Su, former Mayor of Walnut and now active in a parent-teacher association (PTA) for some advice.
Our group determined that there the current situation in the school is wanting, and we have to address the problems to ascertain a better future for the school. The current situation shows that there is ineffective communication between students and the school. Students' learning experiences may be enhanced through effective communication between the school and the students. This can help to create a more pleasant learning school environment. The partnership, on the other hand, requires effort on both sides. Students' ability to get the most out of their education is surely hampered by communication hurdles in the classroom (Iversen et al., 2017). There are a variety of factors that might be contributing to the lack of communication between professors and pupils. It is possible for both sides to remain mute if neither the school nor the student advances the dialogue or states their expectations. In addition, communication between professors and pupils may be impeded by variations in personalities between the two parties. Several studies have shown that many students are reluctant to interact on a deeper level with their professors and thus avoid talking with them. This psychological dynamic may be discouraging for instructors who make repeated attempts to establish a personal connection with each individual only to be met with failure.
Further, because of the differences in cultural backgrounds, it is normal for both teachers and students to have preconceived notions about how to behave in certain situations. When messages are conveyed in a manner that is unusual to the student's culture, they are more likely to be misinterpreted. In the classroom, when students react to professors by behaving funny, cool, or disinterested, peer pressure may cause communication breakdowns between students. Students may choose not to form ties with their professors in order to retain their image as students who are not very engaged in school (Mokhtari et al., 2020). Parents regularly participate in their children's education: boosts children's self-esteem boosts children's academic performance Enhances parent-child interactions by assisting parents in developing good attitudes about school and a greater grasp of the educational process. Today's working parents are often hesitant to commit to school events or meetings, particularly if they believe they will consume a significant amount of their valuable time. Protracted PTA sessions or Back to School Days, particularly on weeknights, might tire parents pushing them to forego subsequent school functions. Parents' involvement pushes students to attend school on a consistent basis, demonstrate enhanced social interactions, exhibit improved conduct, and adjust well with school. Our next steps are gathering survey results and meeting with our clients to give recommendations as well as finding out if there are other educational institutions which use PDM for their community.
Recommendations Outline
The framework of our project requires the alternatives that can be considered by Steam Academy. So, we have developed several possible approaches that school administrators can implement if they find it necessary.
Based on the research work on PDM in educational system our recommendations include:
1 Educate and inform stakeholders about PDM
The Academy can educate teachers and parents on what PDM is by providing courses within the school. While working on the project we found out that not all stakeholders are aware of the PDM approach in the schools. They will get knowledge on the benefits of PDM. PDM is critical when a range of stakeholders from many sorts of backgrounds are brought together to reach a verdict that will serve everybody.  In a fast-paced world, ongoing organization and re-planning are required when conditions change, new situations emerge, and events need adjustment. As a result, society and school institutions need greater organization and conflict resolution. Bringing together individuals with knowledge and an interest in a subject is the quickest method to solve new challenges, generate fresh routes, and confront possibilities. Because they will have discussed things through, the plans represent their personal ideas, and the team has created an agreement. Persons who engage in a PDM are more inclined to commit to the objectives. This is a simple sense; however, it takes a slew of well-conducted social science research to persuade some stakeholders of this apparent reality. However, when all stakeholders interact in the planning process, they are particularly suited to execute the objectives since they are more aware and informed. They have a greater understanding of the needs, objectives, and how their own tasks fit into the larger picture. More individual planning and implementation, particularly a diverse group of people with various viewpoints, lead to new insights into issues and promotes a fresh perspective at possibilities.
2 Encourage teachers to use PDM in all subjects and spheres of education
PDM is a great tool to provide effective communication between teachers and students. During their lessons teachers can encourage students to contribute their ideas or opinions regarding project implementations. Teacher can collect all the ideas from the students and then make the final decision by himself. This approach will motivate students to actively participate in class and ensure that their opinion is important. The PDM in a school setting is the capacity to question long-held beliefs and see interesting forms and alternatives. Communication, planning, and issue resolution are all part of a shared decision-making framework. Participation has far-reaching team-building impacts that go beyond the high of a good planning session. A group that has a similar language and approach for working together — for example, a notion of how to run a meeting – doesn't have to waste time debating protocols and can get straight to work. Discussions become much productive as a result, and collaboration improves. Participants in participatory planning are more likely to face a feeling of responsibility for their portion of the institution. If they identify issues or a chance, they are more inclined to take the initiative instead of assuming it is someone else's duty.
3 Establish Self-Government day for students
Students of middle grades switch places with their teachers for one day and see school life from the other side. Self-Government Day is a form of creative interaction between students, teachers, educators, and the technical staff of the school. This will help to create conditions for expanding the functions of school self-government, attracting students to participate in management processes. It will also help in the formation of leadership abilities in school students, the ability to make choices, to be responsible for their actions. Self-government is one and maybe the most significant way of achieving particular educational objectives. The following are the main objectives: to increase students' social engagement, organization, civic intellectualism, accountability, and other ethical traits. The formation of practically significant abilities such as managerial, interpersonal, and personal attributes is determined and aided by student self-governance. Today, it is crucial to assist students in taking ownership of their work and increasing their competitiveness.
4 Establish a student council
Student councils exist in most universities to serve as a collective voice for students in issues that affect students. Establishing student councils in Middle Schools in the El Rancho Schools District would not only give students a voice in decisions tha...
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