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Public Administration vs Private Management

Essay Instructions:



You will be asked to respond to a broad-based question about public administration. You will be asked to demonstrate critical thinking about a controversial issue in public administration and take a position on which course of action would be the best approach for public administrators.


You will be asked to respond to a broad-based question about public administration. You will be asked to demonstrate critical thinking about a controversial issue in public administration and take a position on which course of action would be the best approach for public administrators.

Final Essay Question: How is public administration different from private management? What are the implications of these differences for the public administrator in the areas of a) decision making; b) human resource management; and (c) Classical Organizational Theory Items to include are outlined as follows:

 An abstract, introduction, background on the issue, detailed presentation of the importance of the issue, discussion of possible solutions, and a recommendation for thesolution.

 Two tables and/or figures to help convey key points.

 Length of assignment: 2-3 pages, excluding tables, figures, title page and reference page.

 Format of assignment: APA

 Number of citations: 5

 Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Administration vs Private Management

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Public Administration vs Private Management


This paper investigates how public administration and private management affect public sector decision-making, HRM, and classical organizational theory. This detailed study educates public officials on these discrepancies' issues and potential. Private and public management differ, as the essay will show. Public administration serves the public by managing government agencies and services. Law, ethics, and openness regulate it. Private management maximizes profits in for-profit companies. The essay states public managers must recognize these inequalities to do their jobs. Differences between industries affect HR management, organizational theory, and decision-making. Public administrator challenges include complex stakeholder relations, regulatory obligations, and decision openness. Human resources management must follow civil service, diversity, and public service norms. Traditional organizational ideas should be applied to public management to balance efficiency, accountability, and equity. The essay finishes with practical suggestions for public administrators to navigate these challenges and serve the public interest while respecting transparency, justice, and accountability.


Public administration and private management are independent worlds, each with concepts and methods. While 

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