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Psychological Disorder Paper

Essay Instructions:

Disorder is schizophrenia and pick a credible organization that treats schizophrenia

-Research the organization's website

-Identify multiple cultures the organization serves.

-Identify symptoms of your selected disorder and describe how the interpretation of the 

symptoms varies across cultures.

-Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations 

of services for that organization.

Include at least three credible, peer-reviewed references.

-Textbook is Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2013). Culture and psychology (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learnin

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Psychological Disorder Paper
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Psychological Disorder Paper
The term Schizophrenia could be elucidated as a type of mental illness that makes patients interpret normal occurrences abnormally. The illness is characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and abnormal or disorganized speech. Critical to the discussion is the fact that Banerjee (2012) reveals that the illness affects 0.7% of the global population. Clearly, Schizophrenia affects a very small fraction of the globe’s population. As a result, the number of organizations and funds allocated to solving the problem is lower than organizations and funds allocated to solving other healthcare problems. Nonetheless, organizations such as the International Schizophrenia Foundation (ISF) dedicate their efforts to solving the problem under discussion. It is notable that the international society has people from different cultures implying it is important to understand schizophrenia and its relationship with different cultures. It follows that this paper discuses schizophrenia by focusing on ISF, its symptoms and cultural implications before making appropriate recommendations.
The ISF was formed in 1968 with an aim of diagnosing, treating and preventing schizophrenia and related disorders. As a result, ISF carries out the aforementioned functions by collaborating with teachers, nurses, physicians, governments, communities, and psychologists. In addition, the organization makes publications and holds conferences that educate people on diagnosing, treating, and preventing the disease in question. Critical to the discussion is the fact that the name of the organization could mislead someone into thinking the organization traverses its operations across international borders. However, the organization has major operations in America and Canada, but with affiliates across the globe. Further, membership with the International Schizophrenia Foundation is free for people from all countries. Perhaps it is the reason why the organization has the word international as part of its identity.
As aforementioned, schizophrenic patients display symptoms such as depressive symptoms, hallucinations, antisocial behavior, emotional processing, anhedonia, and mood induction. As Banerjee (2012) notes, the symptoms vary across cultures because evidence from the author and additional publications establish the variation. For instance, Banerjee (2012) reveals that collectivism, sociocentricity, and individualism could help schizophrenic practitioners to understand the cultural variation of schizophrenia. As evidence, Collectivism and sociocentricity affect schizophrenia owing to the reality that such societies uphold close personal relationships. It follows that schizophrenic patients from the two societies display less symptoms because friends and families support them socially. A study conducted by Myers (2011) reveals that people from developing countries display lesser symptoms of schizophrenia than people from developing countries. It is because people from such countries ...
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