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Ecology: Depletion of Habitats

Essay Instructions:

1.Species richness is difficult to quantify. Explain the reasons why this is true, and then present one example of how species richness can be measured. Your example should cite a specific ecosystem. Please use the terms gamma diversity and alpha diversity in your essay in a manner that clearly indicates your comprehension of the terms; do not define the terms, or include them in a list of items. You need to demonstrate that you can apply the terms.

2.Give examples of two human activities that have depleted specific habitat, discuss the species that have been affected, the benefits derived by humans while engaging in these activities, and explain why ecologists believe these activities should be curtailed or limited. Use the following terms in your essay: minimum viable population size and environmental stochasticity, in a manner that clearly indicates your comprehension of the terms; do not define the terms, or include them in a list of items. You need to demonstrate that you can apply the terms.

3.Discuss the evidence for and the presumed effects of climate change in one particular ecosystem. Make sure to describe the ecosystem clearly. What are the predictions for the next 50 years and how were they derived? How will the climate changes effect living things (not just humans)? In addition to humans, you should address the changes, as specifically as possible on both the animal and plant communities. Use the following terms in your essay: greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect, fertilization effect, in a manner that clearly indicates your comprehension of the terms; do not define the terms, or include them in a list of items. You need to demonstrate that you can apply the terms.

Some advice:

Proofread for spelling/grammar/organization. A borderline paper will be scored down if there are noticeable errors.

Put as much information from the chapter readings as possible and cite the text with page numbers. 

If you provide facts that are not from personal observation, you probably need a citation. You will lose points for providing information without a reference if a reference is needed.

Fully developed answers will have examples. Both real and hypothetical examples will demonstrate your ability to apply and analyze the concepts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course title:
Species richness is the total numbers of a given species in a selected sample of a given group in taxonomy. It is the total concentration of a species in a given population. In considering the richness of a species, there are various factors to consider. These include the relationship sip either by function or genes. It is these considerations that pose a challenge and difficult to fully quantify species richness. It is not always easy to determine the close relationship genetically of species (Morton, 2007). While the functionality maybe easy to look at, the genetic aspect is not straightforward making it difficult to determine species richness. When considering species richness it is crucial to look at the evenness. This is the distribution and the proportion with which a certain species is distributed. When one considers both richness and evenness of a species, the combination is known as biodiversity.
There are three main ways in which biodiversity is measured and determined. These are alpha, gamma and beta biodiversities. In explaining the meaning of the three forms of biodiversity, an example will be necessary.
Ecosystem A, B, and C has a number of different wild animals including lions, gazelles and zebras. The distribution of these animals varies from one ecosystem to another. Alpha diversity looks at the actual richness and evenness of an eco system (Sven, 2007). Therefore 10 animals, 15 and 20 animals in ecosystems A, B and C respectively is the alpha diversity of these ecosystems. Beta diversity seeks to compare different ecosystems looking at the similarities and differences therein. In this case, the beta diversity would be explained by arguing that ecosystem A has more zebras and fewer lions as compared to ecosystems B and C. Gamma diversity focuses on the general overview of various ecosystems. In this case gamma biodiversity would be that there are a total number of 5 species in three different habitats.
Depletion of Habitats
There are certain human activities that have continually depleted affecting the species in those habitats. One of the activities is water pollution. When water is polluted mainly through industrial wastes this water finds its way into large water bodies. It is in these large water bodies that aquatic l...
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