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Psychoeducational Group for Children

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment will be to develop a group aimed at treating a disorder or population of your choice. You should pretend that you are employed at a local non-profit agency and are writing the proposal to your supervisor. The proposal should use as many of the concepts from your as possible.

Think of a group that you would eventually like to organize. My group is,

PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL GROUP for children in 1st to 5th grade.

Group Description:

My group would be a counseling group

It will be a long term group

Whom is the group for? (Children from 1st grade to 5th grade, that has anger, temper and aggression issues both at home and in school)

In what setting will this group take place? (school classroom)

What led you to choose this particular type of group for your proposal ( Young children is growing up with a lot of aggression, anger and dont understand how to respect thier self and others)

what is your interest in the topic?


What are your goals for this group; that is, what will members gain from participating in the group? What are the Long-term goals?

Are the goals and objectives specific?

How will these goals be accomplished in a group setting?

How will the long-range goals be evaluated during the course of the group and once it comes to an end?

Why is there a need for such a group?

In what ways would a group provide definite advantages over individual counseling?


Who will lead your group?

What types of leadership skills will they have?

Will the leader follow a specific theory?

Will there be co-leaders for the group?

Group Dynamics:

What factors do you expect to influence the group dynamics?

Will you use any tools for learning such as journaling, outdoor experiences, etc

Stages of Groups:

What do you expect your members to get from each stage of your group?

Describe creative activities that you plan on using for each stage

Do you expect any problems or issues from each stage, and if so, how do you plan on resolving them?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychoeducational Group for Children
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Group description
I plan to form a long-term counseling group that will involve children from the 1st to the 5th grades. The group will target aggressive students that have anger management issue and find it difficult to respect themselves and other people. This involves both in the school and the home environments. The counseling will take place in a class setting because the school is a convenient place to meet all the students at once. I chose this group of students because parents and teachers are facing the challenge of dealing with children that are not able to control their anger, show an aggressive behavior and do not respect one another. My interest in this topic is helping the children overcome such behavior so that they can become respectable people in the future. I also have an interest in children and therefore, interacting with them will give me the satisfaction of having helped someone have a bright future. I have seen adults that have anger management issue and it often distracts a lot of activities in their lives such as relationships (Brooks, McGahey & Jenkins, 2017). I would wish for the children to pass through the same once they have grown and hence, it is better to teach them while they are still young.
This group aims to ensure that by the end of the course, the children have learned how to control their anger and temper. This will include their dealings in both the school environment and at home. The children will also be taught how to respect themselves and other people. Therefore, the goals and objectives will be specific towards the solving of the issues that affect the children. To achieve the goals within a group setting, various activities will be organized that will enable the kids to interact with one another in a manner which will teach them on how to socialize with one another. As well, oral lessons will also be given regarding the disadvantages of the of the behaviors being expressed by the kids. They will be given various options that they can follow to eliminate their anger issues and be taught on the essence of respecting oneself and others. The long-range goals will be evaluated during the course by allocating the students different activities that will require them to work as a team hence triggering their emotions. The instructor will then inspect the effectiveness of each of the children to interact with one another without being aggressive or showing anger. The student will also play an important role in reporting cases of disrespect from another student. This will help the instructor in determining whether the lessons have been effective or not. They will also identify specific students that require certain improvements and focus on them during the remaining part of the course. This can be done by changing the techniques used to teach them by speculating that the new methods will have a positive impact. At the end of the course, students will be given a written exam to test on their effectiveness to decide on their reactions towards different situations in life. The exam will vary from one grade to the other because children from the different ages display the behavior in question differently. The group is necessary for ensuring that the children do not feel isolated when being taught how to control their aggressiveness, anger, and learning how to respect oneself and others. Therefore, the advantage of the group setting over individual counseling is that it will provide the involved parties with the confidence to overcome the challenges designed to be discussed in the group. It will also make the children feel like part of society. A child might view individual counseling as a mode of discrimination.
Given the fact that the group will involve y...
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