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Paper on Psychoanalytic: C.R.Rogers Chapters 5-7, Perls Theory

Essay Instructions:

this is a case study on Ana who is Freud daughter this study is base on chapter 5 and 7 on C.R.Rogers chapter 5 and chapter 7 which is base on Perls theory I think. I am very sorry the pages is out of order it is a 69 page document there are 7 questions that must be answered with subheading. I must have 4 scholarly references with one of them the book from chapter 5 and 7 and three other scholarly references of your chose. Please read the instruction sheet every thing is added the first question is what will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals? there are six other questions. I really need the paper in 6 days!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
              Psychoanalytic Theory Application By Institution                     1.    What will be the goals of counselling and what interventions will be used to accomplish those goals? In the case of Ana, one of the prime goals of counselling will be to increase her awareness concerning the problems that she is currently facing. To get her to know that whatever she is experiencing including being worried and having anxiety is as a result of issues that are arising within her rather than around her. Consequently, making them accept and value themselves. Another goal that will allow for therapeutic relief according to Gestalt theory is allowing Ana to assume gradually ownership of her experience. Also, the client should be encouraged to move from outside support towards increasing her internal support. For example, worrying less about her financial problems as a result of losing her job and focusing on her inner strengths that will allow her to effectively tackle her problems. Lastly, at the end of the counselling sessions, Ana should be able to ask for and get help from others and also give to others. Some of the intervention strategies that are going to be employed to see this through include guided fantasy where the client is encouraged to visualize here and now experiences (Robertson, 2012). The counselor can make use of the empty-chair technique whereby the client is asked to speak to an empty chair as though it were another part of the client or another person. Lastly, the counselor can employ the exaggeration exercise where counselor exaggerates mannerism of the client or even ask the client to exaggerate mannerism so as to make the client aware of her true feeling (Murdock, 2013). In the case of Ana, the counselor may exaggerate the anxiety and depression she exhibited when she was filling her intake paperwork. 2.    Is your theory designed for short or long counselling? Gestalt therapy sessions usually last between 50 to 60 minutes and are carried out on the weekly basis. There is no fixed duration for the therapeutic process as it is dependent on the reasons for therapy, the rate of progress, the pace of the work, and the depths to which the clients wants to reach (Robertson, 2012). Those who want to resolve one particular issue may need less therapy compared to those who go to therapy for significant life changes or personal growth. The length of therapy can range from just a few months to one or two years of weekly meetings. 3.    What will be the counselor's role with this client? The counselor has the responsibility of noticing what is in the background and the background. This, together with paying attention to the client’s body language will allow the counselor to have the insight to what is affecting the client (O’Leary, 2013). The other role of the counselor is to focus on the client’s language both verbal and nonverbal for example listening to the language that uncovers a story thus enabling the counselor to get an idea of their struggles (O’Leary, 2013). Also, the counselor should look out for language that denies the power, for example by adding disclaimers or disclaimers such as “but”, “I guess.” Listening to clients metaphors can also provide a clue to the client’s internal struggle. 4.    What is the client’s role in counselling? Th...
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