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Psychology 9th Edition: The Social Cognition Review

Essay Instructions:

Option 1: Social Cognition
DUE MARCH 13th before 11:59 PM.1.
Textbook: Social Psychology, 9th edition (Kassin, Fein, & Markus), (resource)
Get on the web and read these two articles:
Answer these questions in 2 – 4 page ESSAY FORMAT (See above).
Using our Chapter 4 and 5, what is the connection between these two articles? Defend your idea, citing both evidence from the articles and your textbook.
Regarding the first article, do you believe there’s any evidence to support that refraining from sex will bring you an “A-game” in other realms of one’s life? What examples could you provide to support or refute this idea?
How is the website’s demonstration related to the first article and Chapter 5’s main points? Can you provide other real life examples where we mislabel causality (or use misleading language to describe the situation)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Cognition
Social Cognition
The two articles presented are connected in the case that they comment about social perception. Importantly, the two articles have a central focus on behavior, observation and of different people. A point in case, the first article talks about ancient Greek tradition that discourages sexual intercourse during athlete quest for gold medals. In the article, there is a social perception presented. The second article has a similar presentation of people’s observation and behavior presented in the case of colored balls. There is a connection between the two articles and the class textbook in the case that they talk about impressions which are subjects to confirmation biases (Kassin, Fein & Markus, 2013). Notably, they elaborate more on the power of self-fluffing prophecy.
Regarding the first article, I believe that there is evidence to support the fact that refraining from sex will bring you an “A-game” in other realms of one’s life. Evidence to support such an intuition develops in the case that one is advised not to indulge in sexual activity prior to a tough, physical activity. For instance, soccer players are advised not to engage in sexual activity before the match (Kassin, Fein & Markus, 2013). Arguments against such practices are in the case that they would be drained and lack the energy to perform accordingly. On the contrary, some people believe that such perception is developed from a cultural point of view. Evidently, there is no justification from the medical point of view that supports such a line of thought.
The websites demonstration is related to the first article in the case that people tend to observe certain thi...
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