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NRS433V Critical Appraisal: Protection Human Participants

Essay Instructions:

Prepare a critical analysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data collection, data management and analysis, problem statement, and interpretation of findings. The quantitative research article can be from your previous literature review or a new peer-reviewed article.
Each study analysis will be 1,000-1,250 words and submitted in one document. As with the assignments in Topics 1-3, this should connect to your identified practice problem of interest.
Refer to the resource entitled “Research Critique Part 2.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative, in the structure of a formal paper. You are also required to include an Introduction and Conclusion.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Submit the assignment along with an electronic version of the article used for the analysis. If an electronic version is not available, submit a clean unmarked copy of the article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Appraisal: Quantitative Study
Institution of Affiliation
Critical Appraisal: Quantitative Study
Research critique is an essential exercise that focuses on identifying the authenticity of a research article. It helps ensure that the evidence gathered in a research is one that can be relied on as people are likely to use the research findings to support their actions. Therefore, if the research findings are not correct according to the research standards, then it may mislead other people and agencies who may need to use the information (Burns & Gloves, 2011). This paper shall critique a research carried out by Gunes et. al (2016). This critique will help identify the viability of the findings on the mathematical and drug calculation skills of nursing students in Turkey. In carrying out the critique the focus shall be on the protection of human participants, data collection, data management and analysis, the research findings and the conclusion.
Protection of Human Participants
The carrying out of the research was necessary as it helped identify the calculation competencies among students which is an essential element in teaching and training of competent nurses in the society. However, the researchers did not directly mention the importance and the risks associated with the research. They did not mention the risks of the research. However, reading through the introduction, the researches mention how the medical calculation errors result to increased medical complication and other adverse medical effects.
A verbal consent was obtained from the participants who participated in the research willingly. Also, an approval was obtained from the Ethics committee of University X. notably, the researchers were very careful in observing the privacy of the participants. They did not mention the schools where the participants came from. For instance they have said that the research was carried out in two different cities in Turkey. They have also used X to hide the identity of the institution that gave out the permission for the research.
In overall, the researchers have tried so much to conceal the identity of the institution and the overall identity of the participants. Hoverer, with minimal disclosure of other essential aspects such as the board that approved the research, it becomes questionable on the authenticity of the research.
Data Collection
In collecting the data the researchers utilized a questionnaire approach to obtain the information that they wanted to collect from the participants. The students were gathered in a classroom and they were issued with the questionnaire to fill out. The exercise took place at the end of the second term and the participants were the senior students.
Social demographic form was used which consisted of information about the age, gender, and the high school from which the students had graduated from and their satisfaction on the calculation skills that they had been given training by the institutions where they were learning. The mathematical skill test comprised of calculations such as the addition and subtraction. Also a dose calculation skill test was issued.
From the introduction and the nature of the research, it was inevitable to use the questionnaire as the best approach to obtain the relevant information. However, the researchers did not justify the choice of a questionnaire in answering their research. Notably, the researchers did not identify nor define the research variables.
Data Management and Analysis
The Statistical Packag...
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