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Problems within Government & Politics

Essay Instructions:

You will be required to present all that you have learned about the social problem you selected:

1.Describe the selected social problem in social context:
What elements of society contribute to this problem, and how can it be alleviated?
What has perpetuated the problem?

2. Summarize actual solutions to your selected social problem you found in research and compare them to historical solutions.
Explain social problems within Government and Politics.
Compare and contrast historical and current solutions to social problems within government and politics.
Discuss possible solutions to social problems within government and politics on a micro and macro level.

Social Problems Presentation - Rubric scoring guide
Excellent- Description of the selected social problem in context is given. The elements of society that contribute to the problem, what has perpetuated it, and how it can be alleviated are covered. The content is presented clearly and concisely. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other.
Excellent- Summary of actual solutions to the social problem is given with outstanding detail and clarity. Comparison to historical solutions is comprehensive and provides much clarity on the subject.
Excellent- The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope
Excellent- Writer is clearly in control of standard, written academic English.
Excellent- References section includes correctly cited sources. Correct citations are included within the body of the presentation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Problems Within Government& Politics
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Problems Within Government& Politics
Question One
The social problem selected for analysis is drug abuse. Drug abuse has been a social problem in different parts of the world over the years. One of the main reasons drug abuse has become a global problem is the presence of drug cartels willing to distribute drugs even in restricted areas. Regardless of the efforts made by the governments to curb drug dealing, people always have a way of getting such drugs in the black market ((Rioux, Castellanos-Ryan, Parent, Vitaro, Tremblay & Séguin, 2018). Such indicates that the issue of drug abuse would continue being a social problem not unless severe actions and measures are put into place. Drug abuse has affected families and led to thousands of children whose parents are drug addicts being placed in foster care. Drug abuse has also affected learning institutions as the management fights to curb drug abuse in these institutions. The issue has also affected the labor market due to people who quit their work due to drug addiction.
Various factors or elements play a major role in contributing to the issue of drug addiction. One of the main reasons among teens is peer pressure, especially in learning institutions and neighborhoods. Stress levels among people also result in them consuming drugs, assuming that the drugs would reduce their stress levels. The availability of drugs in the black market has also highly contributed to a large number of drug addicts within the nation (Rioux, Castellanos-Ryan, Parent, Vitaro, Tremblay & Séguin, 2018). The issue of drug addiction can be alleviated by implementing strict laws to curb the sale of drugs on the black market. If people do not have access to such drugs, the nation would not have to deal with drug addiction. The drug cartels have perpetuated the issue by ensuring that people have a constant supply of drugs that, in turn, cause addiction.
Question Two
The current solution to drug abuse is for the government to set strict policies that would help reduce the supply of drugs in society. Such policies and regulations would include dealing with the well-known cartels for distributing such drugs. Some of these cartels are under the protection of powerful individuals, and sometimes, these individuals could be politicians (Mohd Saad, Soo, Baharudin & Mohamad Khan, 2019). Such makes it challenging for the government to deal with the issue. However, if strict regulations and policies are put in place, the cartels will no longer be protected by the governments, and this would make it less challenging to eradicate them in the market. Once the cartels have been eradicated from society, t...
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