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Fact Check Assessment of the Article Published by The Washington Free Beacon

Essay Instructions:

Each student will write one Fact Check paper. These papers should be 3-5 pages. For this paper, go to a one of the fact check sites provided on Blackboard in the Factcheck information folder and read their assessment of a speech, ad, article or event that deals with American politics. Follow the link to the ad, speech, or document the site is evaluating and read or view it. For your paper, do the following:

1. Provide a summary of the fact check assessment. Provide a thorough summary of the article. Tell the reader what the factcheck article said. This should generally include what is being fact-checked, the method by which the site did its check, the argument made and conclusion drawn. Note that this section of the paper is recounting what was in the article—I am not looking for your take on the issue, just a report on what was in the article.

2. Assess the fact check site’s method and argument. In the previous section you told the reader WHAT the fact check article said; in this section you tell the reader HOW WELL the fact checker did his/her job. Were they convincing? Why? What method and sources did they use to check the facts? Were they good sources? Were there links provided so you could check them yourself?

3. What can you learn about reading critically from this exercise? Think about what the fact check article did and what you can learn from that. What can you do to be your own 'fact checker'? Note--I am not looking for want you learned about the topic of the article, but what you learned about factchecking.

4. Cite your paper appropriately and include a works cited page. This means that every time you use your article as a source, you must cite it in the text of the paper. See Citation Guide for instructions.

5. Provide full bibliographic information (author, title, date, source) for the fact check article, including the complete url in your Works Cited.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn how to be a more critical consumer of political information. Thus your critique should focus on the methodology of the fact check article, any ‘spin’ tactics used, and that which is demonstrably [based on evidence] fact or not.




Links to these sites can be found in the Paper Information folder on the Study Materials page or through the Paper Information button to the left..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fact check Assignment
Biden Initiative Funds Drug Overdose Prevention, Not ‘Crack Pipes’
Course Code and Section Number
Introduction to American Government
Fact check Assignment
           On February 7, 2020, The Washington Free Beacon published an article, “Biden Admin to Fun Crack Pipe Distribution to Advance ‘Racial Equity’ written by Patrick Hauf that attacks President Joe Biden’s administration’s efforts to address the American “substance use and overdose epidemic" (Hauf, 2022). As a response to Hauf’s (2022) misleading article, fact-checking website FactCheck.org published an article by Brea Jones, entitled "Biden Initiative Funds Drug Overdose Prevention, Not 'Crack Pipes.' This article provides facts about the $30 million grant program that was launched in December 2021, dubbed the Harm Reduction Grant Program whose aim was to facilitate the distribution of $10 million annually over the next three years by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) (Jones, 2022). According to the Biden Administration, the grant would allow the SAMHSA to support community-based drug overdose prevention, syringe services, and other harm reduction programs through evidence-based practices recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services (Jones, 2022). While the funds in the proposed program were to be used in procuring safe smoking kits and treatment to reverse overdose among the addicted, the Free Beacon article inconsistently reported that the HHS spokesman meant that the “kits will provide pipes” for addicted individuals to smoke crystal methamphetamine, crack cocaine, and other illicit drugs (Jones, 2022). The author of the Factcheck.org article conducted a thorough fact check on the controversial issues that were spread through social media platforms as a result of the Free Beacon article. By conducting research and quoting both the HHS and the White House, the fact-checker cleared the controversy that had largely been circulated by the Free Beacon article.
           The fact-checker makes an argument that the statements made by the Free Beacon article are wrong and inconsistent based on the facts from the White House and the HHS. First, the Harm Reduction program that was launched in December 2021 does not include crack pipes in the safe smoking kits. Instead, the article provides the intended purpose of the safe smoking and addiction treatment program contrary to what has been reported in several media reports, including Newsweek. It is after the fact check that Newsweek changed its February 9 headline to “Why the Biden Administration Wants to Hand Out ‘Safe Smoking’ Kits” from “Why the Biden Admin Is Handing Out Free Crack Pipes (Joe, 2022).” Another argument that the fact-checker presents is the question of racial equity and drug policies. The Free Beacon article erroneously identifies that Biden’s administration is targeting the program to advance equity among minorities. However, as Jones’ (2022) article quotes studies earlier conducted, the white communities are most impacted by the issue of drug addiction, and labeling racial equity as the intention of the program is wrong. Besides, West Virginia's Sen Joe Manchin and Marco Rubio, who are both Democrats, have attacked the Biden administration over the question of equity and drug policy. The arguments advanced by the fact-checker are based on reports from Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, that the Free Beacon reporting is inaccurate and that the kits will only provide fentanyl test strips, naloxone, and clean syringes but not pipes. In addition, the fact-checker uses Psaki’s statement to support the argument that Biden’s administrati...
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