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Probability and Nonprobability Sampling

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Probability and Nonprobability Sampling

A sample is a finite part of a population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole. When dealing with people, researchers define a sample as a set of respondents (people) selected from a larger population for the purpose of a survey. The difficulty in using sampling lies in planning: a sample's generalizability must be evaluated and a sampling method must be chosen that will best suit the research needs in question.

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Probability and Non- Probability SamplingNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Probability and Non- Probability Sampling
Researchers use sampling as a method of obtaining data about anything that they think will be included in their study. There are two main types of sampling methods that can be used by a researcher. The first method is probability sampling that involves the use of representative samples. The samples chosen reflect the characteristics of the total population. Non-probability sampling is another sampling method that works by eliminating many sources that can be a source of bias. It does not emphasize on using part of the total population as in probability sampling. In my paper, I have chosen simple random sampling as one of the probability sampling methods. I have also chosen convenience sampling as one of the methods of non-probability sampling methods. I will discuss the strengths, weaknesses and ethical issues of each.
Simple Random Sampling as one of the methods of probability method is one of the easiest. Under the approach, a researcher needs to develop an accurate sampling frame then select elements from the sampling frame according to the mathematically random procedure. They then locate the exact element that was selected for inclusion in the sample. The researcher needs as many random numbers as there are elements to be sampled. For instance for a sample of 200, then they need 200 random numbers. You can easily get the random numbers from a random table or any that has been mathematically drawn CITATION Dat10 \l 1033 (Dattalo, 2010). Simple Random Sampling is easier to understand and more efficient. However, the method does not guarantee that every random sample that is selected represents the population. But rather it means that most random samples will be very close to the given population at that particular time. As such, the method can produce results which are not very accurate. As a way of dealing with the ethical issues that may arise during t...
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