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National Interests and Nation State Behavior

Essay Instructions:

What is meant by the term national interest, and what are the dangers of using national interest as a rationale for nation-state behavior?

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National Interests and Nation State Behavior
Institution Affiliation
The state concern refers to the goals set by a country targeting its economic, security and social aspects that influence the prosperity of a nation. It is a key domain that affects the global affairs of the nations. It involves formulation of policies that guides the activities of a state that may violate the peaceful coexistence of states. The United States key national welfare revolves around protecting its citizens against any potential military threat and guaranteeing autonomic movement of its people (Zhang, 2013).
The achievement of the global security is a challenging task which requires special analysis of the tool to use to accomplish state interests. A nation adopts a course of action to meet its objectives which sometimes can be dangerous to the citizens (Zhang, 2013).
Hazards of Using State Interest to Justify Nation- State Behaviors
The use of military force by the United States to achieve nation interest has created many enemies across the continent. This has posed great threat to the security of the country and its citizens residing in the nations bordering their enemies. Consequently, the superpower has issued travel advisories to its citizens to limit the freedom of movement of its citizens in the politically unstable states (Birch, 2013).
Moreover, the military actions used by the United States to realize the state concerns have resulted in the oppression of citizens especially from Muslim countries. The use of extreme force to bring peace and stability in Syria has resulted in the emergency of radical terror groups which poses great security threat to the Americans. This is because the citizens feel oppressed by the superpower in the course of bringing peace to Syria (Birch, 2013).
Furthermore, war has broken in many world nations as a result of the United States military action to achieve its interest. This has...
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