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The Prison Industrial Complex Effects on People Research

Essay Instructions:

This week, you will complete this draft and turn in your final Personal Essay. Please be sure to read and review the “Example Personal Essay” document before beginning your final draft for more guidance on writing a descriptive essay.Be sure to utilize one of the writing patterns described in Chapter 6. The Personal Essay must be at least 1000 words (excluding the title page). Review the Example Personal Essay.
Your essay must include
•A clear thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.
•Specific details about the person, place, object, or event so that readers can visualize the subject and/or feel present in the story (i.e., your essay should be specific and appeal to the five senses).
•A concluding paragraph.
As you are writing this essay, please pay attention to the areas that you struggled with in the “Grammar Assessment” quiz and “Practice Essay” assignment. Please also incorporate your instructor’s feedback on your journal assignments, your Week Three draft, and other activities completed throughout this course.
When submitting your Personal Essay, make sure to
•Proofread your work for errors in grammar, mechanics, and style.
•Check that the essay is at least 1000 words.
•Use the “APA Template” handout provided to format your essay. 
•Include a title page with the following: -Title of paper
-Student’s name
-Course name and number
-Instructor’s name
-Date submitted
•Begin the essay with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
•Address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
•End with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
•Format the essay according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
•Save the document as a Microsoft Word or compatible .doc or .docx file.
•Use a naming convention that includes your last name, week number, and the assignment number (e.g., smith_w5_a1.doc).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Prison Industrial Complex effects on people
Course title and number:
Date submitted:
The Prison Industrial Complex effects on people
Correctional officials in the United States today see danger in the overcrowding of jails. Other entities see this as an opportunity. The roughly 2 million prisoners in the United States – most of who are nonviolent criminals – mean windfalls for profiteers and jobs for depressed areas (Mulch, 2012). This descriptive essay provides an exhaustive discussion of how the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) affects people.
The disproportionate arrests and unwarranted long-term incarcerations of largely Latinos, Blacks and Native Americans have resulted in devastating effects not just on individuals, but also on entire communities. However, for many private prisons and companies that are part of the Prison Industrial Complex, prison equals profits and mass imprisonment is actually a good thing for them (Thompson, 2012). The term Prison Industrial Complex is utilized in describing the overlapping interests of industry and government that employ imprisonment, policing and surveillance as solutions to political, social and economic problems. The term is also utilized in attributing the speedy expansion of the prison populace to the political influence of private prison businesses and corporations which supply services and goods to government prison agencies (Kontos, 2016).
The boom in prison population in the United States has created a lucrative market for business organizations, which seek to profit by offering correctional services. The multi-billion industry makes the most of punishment and crime (Ooten, 2013). The PIC comprises a confluence of policy, business, as well as special interest groups which all of them together profit from imprisonment. The obvious members are private jail firms like GEO Group, Cornell Corrections and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) (Ooten, 2013).
The PIC has an adverse impact on people. It has increased the disenfranchisement of marginalized Latino and African American communities. Convicts who are imprisoned in private jails are often exposed to higher violence levels because of the business model used by the private prison industry of decreasing costs of staffing that in turn leads to higher rates of employee turnover, understaffing of the facilities, as well as instability. Inmates who are released from these prisons tend to have higher rates of recidivism, which endangers the public safety (Thompson, 2012).
For-profit, private prison corporations in general seek to maintain – and increase – the quantity of imprisoned individuals. The primary purpose of these corporations is essentially to make profit, not to reduce recidivism, help in the rehabilitation of criminals, or ensure public safety and therefore reduce the amount of victimization and crime within American communities (Kontos, 2016). Private prisons in America operate with the business model of reducing costs and generating higher profits. Prison officers in private jail companies are paid a monthly salary of $1,820 on average, whereas state prison officers get $2,775 on average every month. Because they pay their workers very low wages, these prisons have very high turnover of up to 45 percent (Mulch, 2012). As such, these prisons have inexperienced personnel as well as greater institutional instability. In addition, prison companies tend to influence legislation which leads to longer sentences or more imprisonment. Ooten (2013) pointed out that many private prison firms in the United States such as CCA and GEO Group usually work secretly in promoting harsh sentencing laws leading to more persons getting imprisoned for longer time periods – something that in fact beneficial for the private prisons but bad for people who are jailed.
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