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Prison Industrial Complex and Abolition

Essay Instructions:

Hi Class!

Here is the paper assignment. It is due Thursday Nov. 17 at 5pm (the deadline has been pushed back from where it was originally on the syllabus, so you have some extra time).

This paper assignment is to be understood as a process. It is a process that will help to to center and make sense of what we have engaged with the past few weeks and it is in dialogue with lectures and readings over the next few lectures.

The paper gives you an opportunity to explore a contemporary matter of concern through and in relation to course concepts. We have been discussing the concept and dynamics of the "the drainage system" and we will discuss this further in relation to what Collins describes as systems of oppression during week of Nov. 1

You have plenty of time to complete this assignment. You'll see that it is, essentially, a juiced up weekly question. We will thoroughly go over the assignment and give informational and conceptual support in lectures.

During the next two weeks, there are no weekly questions while you work on the essay.

Slow down but don't wait. This assignment helps to explicate and synthesize course material. The more you engage with the questions in the paper, the better you'll understand the course material; and the more you engage with the course material, the better you'll be able to engage with the question.

Here is a suggested process and timeline.

Now: Go ahead and read through the Assignment Overview, and see which matter of concern you seem drawn to!

Week of Oct. 31. Engage with course materials and attend lectures. Select the matter of concern that you are interested in and begin to read through the short essays (that are posted weekend before Halloween) Think carefully about how they relate to the course concepts. Attend discussion section. Begin to formulate and draft an outline.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prison Industrial Complex and Abolition
Institution Affiliation
Prison Industrial Complex and Abolition
Buck uses the analogy of a drainage system as a figure of speech to explain how the rich exploited the poor to gain wealth in the colonial era. Just like water is pumped in a drainage system, the elite continues to be wealthy by using the poor based on class system, race, and gender. Buck reflects on capitalism, and white supremacy in Kentucky and West Virginia, in which the rich white people continued being rich. In contrast, the poor white people continued being poor but still had power over enslaved people and the black community. This paper holds that in the contemporary world, the drainage system is still there where the rich benefit from the poor based on class, race, and gender, focusing on the prison industrial complex and abolition.
Prison Industry Complex ( PIC) is a term used to describe the government's and industry's overrunning interest that uses policing, imprisonment, and surveillance as a solution to political, social, and economic problems. In the United States of America, Prisons were established as reform and rehabilitation centers for social vices, a program funded and managed by the state and federal government. With reforms, the state and federal governments mandated the leadership role of some of its prisons to private corporations, which increased the growth of prisons. According to the National Institute of Correction ( NIC), the prison system grew four times higher from the 1920s compared to the last four decades ( National Institute of Correction,2022).
Significantly, these reforms were not oriented to reform and rehabilitation but rather profits and economic benefits. The leadership of the private prisons is politically invested in lobbying for legislation favorable to profit from the privately owned prisons. For instance, California has the highest prison population fueled by economic growth and geographical conditions ( Gilmore,2019). California government deliberately invested in prison, which saw an exponential growth of up to 500% between 1982-2000. According to Gilmore, capitalists saw an opportunity in California in four surplus dimensions; Land, capital, labor, and state capacity. State capacity encouraged private prison ownership while poor people provided work. In return, the California Corrections department employed 54,000 employees, and owners of the land sold at a lower price while they provided labor and growth of the community around the prisons.
According to Scommegna, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with the minority occupying the highest percentage compared to the white population( 2012). Scommegna argues that black people are incarcerated at a rate of 3074 per 10,000, Latinos at 1258 per 100,000, and white people at a rate of 459 per 100,000. This means that white people are most likely to be arrested than white people.
Therefore, mass incarceration in America is fueled by race and capitalism. To make profits, prisons have to arrest people, and black people are a target. Capitalists, through political aliases, lobby for reforms that favor the prison. Most of the people imprisoned are based on petty crimes such as drugs and petty offenses. In addition, racial profiling has resulted in the misuse of the justice system toward black people. Alexander Michelle argues that the justice system might be a rebirth of Jim Crow law which allowed racial segregation and rewarded white supremacy. For instance, black people are stereotyped as refusing arrest and involvement in drug crimes. This has seen many black men lose their life to in the process. For instance, in May 2020...
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