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Romaphobia and Antigypsyism

Essay Instructions:


The assignment is to create an intervention to reduce conflict, prejudice & stereotyping that meets the 4 conditions of the contact hypothesis and explain it to the leaders of the two groups (French & Roma). Since the leaders are not familiar with the contact hypothesis, as part of your program you will have to teach the theory to them and explain how your program meets the required conditions.

Be as specific as possible about what changes you would implement and what activities you would create to reduce intergroup conflict. Be sure to explain the four conditions necessary for the contact hypothesis to work AND identify how your proposal will address each of those four conditions. For the purpose of this assignment, you can assume that leaders are motivated to end this conflict. You may also assume that the UN has funding to pay for things in your program (within reason). After reading your paper someone should understand the contact hypothesis and how your program is based on it.

This is a challenging assignment that will require you to think outside the realm of your personal experiences as you consider how to help these two groups reduce conflict. A good paper will introduce the problem clearly, teach the contact hypotheses completely, and describe a program that meets all of the conditions required in the contact hypothesis.

This exercise is adapted from a real conflict & racism faced by the Roma people throughout Europe. I have modified some of the facts to better suit this assignment. However, feel free to explore additional background information that might help you design your program.

Your paper should start with an introduction to the conflict and state the purpose of the paper (to introduce your program). Next you should explain the contact hypotheses thoroughly. Finally, you should describe you program and explain how it meets each of the conditions of the contact hypothesis.

Romaphobia (also called antigypsyism) refers to prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping of the Roma people. It is based on myths, stereotypes and imagined fears about these people. It occurs in countries throughout Europe, but for this assignment you will be focusing on France.

The following Background Information is quoted from the Discrimination and Intolerance page maintained by the Council of Europe. The page can be found here: https://www(dot)coe(dot)int/en/web/compass/discrimination-and-intolerance

"Discrimination against Roma people:

Romaphobia and Antigypsyism

The name Roma or Romani is a collective title for a very diverse ethnic group of people who self-identify as members of various sub-groups based for example on current or past geographical location, dialect, and occupation. There are approximately 10 million Roma in Europe. A few groups live as travellers with no permanent home, but the majority is now living under sedentary conditions: there are urbanised Roma groups as well as many living in more or less segregated neighbourhoods or sections of smaller towns or villages. Roma are present in virtually all European countries.

Discrimination against Roma is deep rooted and a common reality all over Europe. As the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights pointed out, there are alarming trends throughout Europe, strongly resembling Nazi ideology and reasoning in relation to Roma, such as fears for safety and public health. Rhetoric criminalising the whole Roma population is also very common throughout the member states.14

As Roma are more likely to be discriminated against, the Roma population is disproportionately vulnerable to armed conflicts, natural catastrophes or economic crises. In many countries, Roma have been victims of violent racist groups (in Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, and so on), resulting in murders. Roma were caught in the crossfire of the armed conflicts in former Yugoslavia; Roma neighbourhoods and villages are often segregated and isolated.15 Many young Roma grow up in hostile social environments where the only support and recognition they have is in their own community or family. They are denied many basic rights such as education or health, or have limited access to them" (Council of Europe, Discrimination and Intolerance, retrieved October 25, 2022, from: https://www(dot)coe(dot)int/en/web/compass/discrimination-and-intolerance)

The general stereotype of Roma people includes traits like criminality and deviance. Both the United Nations and the European Union have made efforts to reduce this kind of Racism.

This form of Romaphobia exists in France. Several years ago the French government evicted several thousand Roma who had migrated to France legally. In and around Paris, Roma often live in slums and substandard housing units. As recently as 2018, over 8,000 Romas were forcibly evicted from their homes by French authorities. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has criticized France for its actions against the Roma people.

In pursuing their goal of reducing conflict between these two groups (the French and the Romas), the UN has decided to create a program based on the four critical conditions of the contact hypothesis. They have subcontracted the job of creating the program to you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Romaphobia and Antigypsyism
Institution Affiliation
Romaphobia and Antigypsyism
Romaphobia is the discrimination, prejudice, and stereotype of Roma people based on stereotypes, myths, and visualized fear of Roma people. In Europe, 10 to 20 million Roma people are denied basic human rights and experience widespread racism attacks, discrimination, and hate speech. Antigypsyism, ( institutional and structural racism of Roma people ) is the primary cause of their exclusion in Europe. Thus, this paper seeks to address measures and changes that need to be implemented in France to reduce Romaphobia using the contact hypothesis concept.
The contact hypothesis is a concept that suggests that discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice, and conflict between two groups can be minimized if the group members interact with each other ( Hopper, 2019). The contact hypothesis has four conditions that make it effective. Equal status for both members, common goal, intergroup cooperation, and support of the authority. This means that if the groups are willing to work together toward a common goal which is to reduce prejudice, with the support of the authority, then discrimination and racial prejudice will be achieved. This paper will focus on two groups; France and Roma, to find interventions to reduce Romaphobia. Also, the paper will apply the four contact hypothesis conditions to come up with appropriate measures.
Romaphobia in France
Romani is a collective title to represent a diverse ethnic group that identifies as members of different sub-groups based on geographical location, occupation, or dialect. There are approximately 10 million Roma in Europe with some groups living as travelers without permanent homes. However, the majority live in segregated neighborhoods, sections of smaller towns and villages, as well as urbanized Roma groups. Romani people are highly discriminated against, stereotyped, and abused in Europe. They have been victims of racism causing murder. Additionally, Romani have been associated with rhetoric robbery, fear for safety, and public health among others. They are victims of poor health conditions, being profiled, poor housing, poor education and working conditions, and natural catastrophes. In France Romaphobia is present.
In France, Romani people are locally known as gitans or manouches. Romani people in France originated from Nothern India. According to European Union, France has a population of approximately 400,000 in Romani contributing to 0.21% of the total population ( European Union, n.d). The structural and institutional racism of Romani people is the root cause of Romaphobia. The government of France collectively discri...
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