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Question 1-1: Principles of Conscious Capitalism
Essay Instructions:
Read chapters one and two and other papers to answer the questions of 1-1 and 1-2 my post. For 1-2 my strengths are to motivate people. I am not a manager but some day would like to be one. Then comment on 1-1 for Darla and Damien about 80 words to answer 1-1 and 1-2 spend the other words on answering the comments. all must be subailly comments and post 1-1 and 1-2 questions are added chapters one, two and other material are also added. I will be paying for this in a few hours. thank you
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Questions 1-1, 1-2 and Comments on 1-1
Institutional Affiliation
Questions 1-1, 1-2 and Comments on 1-1
Question 1-1: Principles of Conscious Capitalism
Principles of conscious capitalism include stakeholder orientation, conscious leadership, higher purpose, and conscious orientation. In stakeholder orientation, conscious organizations focus on the entire business ecosystem such as investors, suppliers, employees, and clients to optimize and create value for all stakeholders (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). Conscious leadership entails the mentality of “we” instead of “me” in driving success (Chamberlain, 2016). A higher purpose organization’s highest inspiration is to inspire and engage all stakeholders, and such an organization has a conscious orientation or culture, which encompasses all the values of that foster a spirit of cooperation and trust among stakeholders and go beyond profitability to inspire stakeholders, protect the environment, and put others first before oneself (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). Whole Foods and Body Shop have shown commitment to economic, social, and environmental justice (Thomas, 2016). Whole Foods Market has been ranked high for their efforts in environmental protection and social responsibility. The Body Shop also comprises of a philanthropic foundation helping suppliers in developing world countries.
Question 1-2: Skills of an effective Manager
As illustrated in table 1-2, there are 11 skills of an effective manager. Among these skills include, empowering and delegating responsibilities to others while fostering commitment and clarity to organizational objectives and encouraging participation in decision-making process...
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