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Globalization’s Inequities and Interdisciplinary Social Science

Essay Instructions:

Globalization’s Inequities and Interdisciplinary Social Science

• Based on your reading in the social sciences, what do you find to be some of the more convincing causes of poverty and inequality?

• What role do you see for globalization in the causes of poverty and inequality?

• Which theoretical argument(s) from the social science disciplines you have reviewed do you think best explains the incidences and relationship among globalization, poverty, and inequality?

• Identify some possible policy remedies for poverty and inequality, and explain how they might work to improve people’s lives. Do these policy recommendations conform more to one discipline or theory than the others? Finally, do you believe these remedies might actually improve these particular human conditions (poverty and inequality) in your lifetime? Be sure to draw on your own experiences and assessments here.

Your essay will be evaluated in terms of how thoroughly you: answer the questions above, use resources to document your main points, and properly cite referenced work. Your essay should address all of the questions above and should consist of at least 1,100 words of text (at least 4 pages of double-spaced and 12 point font of text). Use of in-text citations and a reference list will make up an additional page.

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Globalization’s Inequities and Interdisciplinary Social Science
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Globalization’s Inequities and Interdisciplinary Social Science
Globalization is used to describe the increase in liberalization policies and trade as well as the decrease in costs of transportation and technological advancements. The effects of globalization mainly consider its influence on income distribution, employment, and economic growth. Social impacts of globalization also include environmental effects, labor and human rights, and poverty alleviation. Despite the growing debate on the effects of globalization in alleviating poverty, out of the total 7 billion people in the world, 80 percent live on less than $10 a day (World Bank, 2019). Globalization has led to unequal distribution of resources and unequal social rights and freedoms. The increasing income gaps and unequal rights make it difficult for society to bridge the gap between the less fortunate and the rich. Globalization contributes to worsening these issues by heightening global problems such as cross-border corruption, the risks of climate change, and the slow pace of international action to reduce world poverty. Moreover, the unequal distribution of resources has enabled some countries to experience rapid growth while the poor countries are experiencing slow growth. As a result, the gap between the rich and poor countries continues to increase. Solving such issues can help to reduce the rising inequalities presented by globalization.
The lack of resources or poor allocation of resources and the dis-equalized global markets can be considered to be the main causes of inequality and poverty. Resource allocation encompasses access to financial and other resources such as social services, health services, education, and other cultural and economic services (Crow & Lodha, 2011). More than 2 billion individuals do not have access to basic amenities such as water and food (US Census Bureau, 2018). The lack of food makes it difficult for individuals to focus on improving their livelihood since they are more concerned with surviving. Unequal access to education is also a major factor. The quality of education offered by developed nations is better than the one offered by developing nations. Consequently, developed nations produce more qualified individuals who drive the nation’s economy at a much faster rate, which eventually increases the gap between the poor and rich nations. Although globalization has opened doors for individuals to travel to the developed nations for better education, higher income, and greater job opportunities offered by these nations make it difficult for graduates to search for jobs in their developing countries. Alternatively, they look for employment opportunities in developed nations, which further reduces the chances of equality.
The inherently dis-equalized global markets also increase inequality. Countries have unequal access to global markets, with the developed nations exploiting the global markets at a much greater scale compared to poor nations. Developed nations have enough assets, including human capital, entrepreneurial skills, and financial capital. The rapid changes in the global market, technology, and capital flows have led to a heightened demand for skills. Since developed nations are more resourced and offer competitive salaries and benefits, individuals from developing nations are constantly migrating to developed countries to look for better job opportunities. In turn, the developing nations lack the proper skills to compete in the global markets, which eventually increases inequality.
The theory of comparative advantage clearly defines the issue of inequality. Based on the theory, poor countries are capable of producing products that need large numbers of unskilled labor, whereas rich countries provide products and services that need a large number of skilled labor (Sejkora & Sankot, 2017). The increase in globalization has encouraged skilled workers from poor countries to seek jobs in rich countries that offer better wages an...
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