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Does Pride And Prejudice Reinforce Or Erode Sexist Stereotypes Of Women (Module 7)

Essay Instructions:

This research essay of no less than 950 words and no more than 1,000 words contributes 25% toward your final grade for the course.
As noted in Module 7, this assignment requires you to use secondary sources. (Refer to Module 6 for the distinction between primary and secondary sources.) Please note your secondary sources may include the essays in the “Criticism” section of your Norton Critical edition.
You must include at least three secondary sources in your essay.
Since you will be using quotations and paraphrases from both your primary source (Pride and Prejudice) and secondary sources (articles and books on Pride and Prejudice), you must include parenthetical in-text citations—after the quotation in the your essay, provide the page number(s) for print sources—and a Works Cited list. Also, remember to include the Norton Critical edition of Pride and Prejudice in your Works Cited list.
Your essay should have three parts: an introductory paragraph, a body containing fully developed paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Following is a general guide for what to include in each section of your essay.
In your introductory paragraph:
Introduce Pride and Prejudice and its author.
Identify clearly your essay topic.
Include a strong thesis statement on the topic.
Forecast the main stages of your analysis.
In your analysis in the body of your essay:
Make effective use of topic sentences to identify the main ideas of your analysis.
Support your comments with evidence (paraphrase and direct quotations) from the novel.
Explain the significance of each piece of evidence you present as it relates to your thesis.
Identify the sources of all your quotations with parenthetical in-text citations.
Contribute to your reader’s understanding of the novel as a whole.
In your concluding paragraph:
Summarize the main stages of your analysis.
Restate your thesis in different words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Does Pride And Prejudice Reinforce Or Erode Sexist Stereotypes Of Women
December 4, 2015
Pride and prejudice is an epic tale interwoven with clarity and acerbic wit. The author, Jane Austen, stands out for her biting social annotations and indirect speech to bring out a fundamentally comic love story. Her story highlights the dependence of women on marriage for the purposes of securing social standing and economic security. The setting of the plot is in the context of the 18th century, during a time epoch when women were subjugated and treated like subordinates to men, the society also accorded them subsidiary social status. A closer examination of Austen’s book Pride and prejudices underpins sexist’s stereotypes of women during the 18th century epoch. Thesis
Through the analysis of the main characters namely Elizabeth and Darcy this paper will bring into limelight the sexists’ stereotypes etched the tale to rubber-stamp women as the inferior sex in the highly patriarchal society. Foremost, the character of Mrs Bennet who epitomizes the traditional mind set of the 18th century women folk will be examined (Dexter, 2008). Her prime purpose in life is to get her five daughters married successfully. The story of Elizabeth and Darcy reflects the foundation of misunderstandings between the male and the female genders, the pride of Darcy and Prejudice of Elizabeth hinders them from attaining a common ground. Nonetheless, the shadows of doubt and arrogance are slowly cleared away to giving way to a solid union.
Story Analysis
Pride and Prejudice was not written primarily to bring out sexist stereotypes, nonetheless as various characters from varied genders and social standing intermingle the theme of sexist stereotype stands out prominently. Mrs Bennet clearly states she would have nothing to wish for if only all her daughters were happily married (Austen 6).This is a very natural character amongst women; every mother would like her daughters to be married and remain in stable relationships. This tenet reinforces sexist stereotype, every woman has the responsibility and inner wish for her daughters to be married off successfully.
The Bennet’s family is at the center of this tale, a family of five daughters and no son at all. This definitely affects their social standing, marriage comes out primarily as the major theme the novel opens with the statement “a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" (Austen 2). Through the tale it’s apparent that marriage is not just a union between a man and a wife but it’s a pivotal agreement to both individuals and the society (Dexter, 2008). As the story opens, Fitzwilliam Darcy a friend of Mr Bingley has attended the party in which the entire Bennett’s have been invited. He displays cold airs and he is bizarrely reserved. His mannerism is understood by the people attending the party as improper and pretentious, Elizabeth is particularly repulsed by his mannerism.
Austen describes Darcy as the proudest, most disagreeable m...
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