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The post-World War 2 Red Scare and the War on Terror after 9/11 attack

Essay Instructions:

Apply Edward Said's concept of the “Other” to the Bush Administration's justifications for the War on Terror after 9/11 as well as the Red Scare after World War 2. Discuss labeling theory as applied to the concept of “other.” Look up news articles of each time period.

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Edward Said’s Concept of the Other and Labelling Theory: The post-WWII Red Scare and the War on Terror after 9/11 attack
Said stipulates that the ‘Other’ or the Orient describes the Eastern states upon which the West triumph. Orientalism defines the Western style of ruling and recognizing the Orient cluster. He further indicates that between the Orient and the Occident, only a relationship of power of dominions such as imperialism and colonialism. The West considers the other as an alien with cultural inferiority and primitive. Based on Said description of the other, the 9/11 in 2001 attack on the United States (U.S) came as a shock to the government and many. Bush would not bow to the Orient not especially the terrorist. In response to the attack, the Bush administration waged war against the East attackers. Despite the terrorists being individuals, countries like Afghanistan and Iraq were labelled as terror supporters CITATION Ken08 \l 1033 (Walsh, 2008).
In accordance to the labelling theory, the Eastern countries or the Orient that were perceived to promote terrorists were comprehended as the enemy to the U. S. in maintaining the superpower and as a world leader, the U. S sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bush administration targeted the Islamic jihadists whose focus was to rule the world. However, labelling the East as terrorists and having U.S troops over their soils led to more deviance by the Iranians causing the escalation of the war. It became a war of power and revenge lasting six years more than the U. S’s involvement in the second world war CITATION Ken08 \l 1033 (Walsh, 2008).
Similarly, the same fear and repression exhibited after the 9/11 attack were evident in the 1950s during the post-world war II. The red scare or the cold war as commonly known arose due to the economic and political clash between the U. S...
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