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Social Sciences: Total Institution In Terms Of Location, Authority

Essay Instructions:

For the written portion of this assignment, please answer the following questions:
Define the concepts of deviance and crime (5 points). What does the concept of deviance allow sociologists to see and to study that the concept of crime does not (Instructor Commentary; 10 points)?
What characterizes a “total institution” in terms of location, authority, and identity, AND, provide two examples to illustrate a total institution (pp. 219-220)? (10 points)
What is white-collar crime (Sutherland definition; 5 points)? What is the debate regarding the cause of white collar crime (Instructor Commentary;10 points)?
What does the “medicalization of deviance” mean (Instructor Commentary) (5 points)? Please give me an example to illustrate (5 points).

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Social Sciences
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In the study of deviance and crime, sociologists examine the cultural norms, their change, enforcement, and the repercussions of breaking the norms to individuals as well as societies. Deviance is a violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law (Downes, Rock, & McLaughlin, 2016). Crime is a behavior that goes against the law and is punishable by law.
Deviance allows sociologist to see the social context, unlike the crime where the individual context prevails. Deviance has a broad context for research. For instance, deviance has multiple sanctions: it may be rewarded (positive), punished (negative), or just accepted without punishment or reward (Parker & Manley, 2017). This means deviance helps in studying its positive role in the society. A functionalist point argues that deviance is important in our society as it reminds people of the consequences of breaking them. The critical point explains why the hierarchal systems exits and what keeps those in power up and others below them.
Total institution a type of social system that is closed and in which life is controlled by rules, schedules, and strict norms and a single authority determines what happens there as a staff is designated to enforce the rules (Parker & Manley, 2017). Thus, total institutions are characterized by totalistic features, inmate world, adaption alignments, and a privilege system. An example of a total institution is a prison. For example, Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco, California. The prisoners in this institution were barred from causing harm to the rest of the population by using physical attributes including high walls, barbed wire fence, locked doors, vast distance, and water and cliffs (sometimes prisons have this). The outside community needs permission to enter the compound.
Another example of a total institution is a mental hospital. ...
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