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Politics Analysis Paper: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Essay Instructions:

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American government today. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: In your response, consider how the events influenced the way state, local or national political leaders or agencies responded in a socially responsible or ethical manner toward the community.
Discuss two (2) media events (past or present) that have positively and or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how a news story or media coverage of an event positively or negatively changed the public’s opinion (or perception) regarding how responsible a government agency should be towards meeting the needs of its customers; i.e. the American people.
Discuss two (2) differences between the Republican and Democratic parties that may have an ethical impact (positively or negatively) on the American people. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider the different ideals, values, morals, and/or goals held by the Republican and Democratic parties, and their different views on the ethically or morally right way to govern and make the best policies for the people they serve. Determine if your example presents any type of ethical concerns for or against the public interest of the American people

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Politics - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
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Politics- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
What are civil rights? These are legal rights for an individual or a group of people in the United States of America and other countries to receive equal treatment that is free and fair without discrimination in one way or another. The civil right involve fair and free employment, housing, education, movement without trespassing, equal rights to medication and so on. Traditionally, civil rights in the United States referred to efforts of achieving total equality for African-Americans in all fields of the society. Today however, civil rights is used widely to include the advancement of equal rights despite their sex, religion, gender, age, race, disability, origin of an individual and many other characteristics.
Most of the civil right come from the federal level through various way such as federal registration or by federal court decisions. States also are in a position of passing their civil rights just like those in federal level. However, municipalities such as cities and counties can only endorse ordinances and some laws only related to civil rights. For example, the freedom of speech, press and assembly in the United States influenced the Minority groups to stand up and form movements to fight for the right to full education without race consideration. In March 1965, in an incidence termed as ‘Bloody Sunday,’ the minority African-American community exercised their civil right of freedom of speech and assembly for enacting of a right to vote by matching into Montgomery. The police attacked the peaceful demonstrators and drove them back to Selma. Press termed the incident as ‘Bloody Sunday.’ The voting right was later enacted which gave them the right s to vote.
Probably the most prominent civil rights in the United State was the Enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the civil rights aided in regulating the movements of individuals. The congress enacted the bill into law that forbid discrimination of race, religion and color in public establishments which involves restaurants, bars, places of entertainment, gas stations and any kind of public accommodation such as trailer parks, hotel and hostels. The bill also later forbid discrimination in public schools and universities and in federal jobs allocation and employment. All these bills created stability among the citizens and improved social responsibilities from the minority and majority communities. The voting rights allowed Minority groups to vie for public offices and present their ideas in building the economy. Most politicians used these civil rights as a campaign tool for their political agendas. Welfares, financial institutions, trade organizations benefited from the civil rights as they increased their market base and marketing to involve the minority groups.
In 2014, the shooting of Michael brown was an indication on how the United States Police Department was facing challenges in crime tackling. The event occurred in Ferguson, Missouri in St. Louis County in around noon. The media coverage on the event raised eyebrows among the United States citizens and the world at large through the internet of how the police handle petty crimes in t...
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