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Political Science Discussion 6 Social Sciences Research

Essay Instructions:

Base your response to this topic in part on this week's reading in your textbook about the United Nations. The authors assert that multilateralism, such as the United Nations, is the most promising route to solving global issues. For purposes of this discussion, let's make an assumption that the primary goal of the international system is to preserve peace and security. This does not eliminate other goals, but without peace and security, we have trouble moving on to those goals. Also refer in your response to perspectives about multilateralism from the Heritage Foundation found at: http://www(dot)heritage(dot)org/research/reports/2010/09/smart-multilateralism-when-and-when-not-to-rely-on-the-united-nations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Smart Multilateralism
Smart Multilateralism
Peace and security is a fundamental right to every person around the globe at least by un standards. However, the pooling of ideas brought by multilateralism has stymied the efforts to crack the whip on the regimes and people who threaten this fundamental right. The need to have a peaceful coexistence of nations and countries with varied ideologies on governance has birthed multilateralism such as UN though it has performed dismally on the primary objective it was designed to do.
Each of the member states wants to propagate their agendas for selfish intent or acting as guns for hire. The structure and policy of one-country, one-vote has stymied the progress of multilateral agendas. The politics brought by different types of government and blocking has undermined the primary objective of the UN CITATION Oli16 \l 1033 (Paschal, 2016). It has however been a key tool of unity among nations and has helped stabilize world peace though not as per expectations. If the unifying framework that is observed by all the member states of a multilateral setting is compromised, inter-state peace and diplomatic interactions would be impossible to maintain.
The perspectives expressed by the author of heritage have an unorthodox approach to solving the system that has stymied the policymaking and peacekeeping efforts and general improvement of life for each. UN in its current form and capacity has been unable to solve some serious threats to peace and requires fast and strategic reforms. The author suggests even pull out of United States can help bring the reforms that would strengthen the institutionCITATION Kim10 \l 1033 (Holmes, 2010). The equal power bestowed on the member states is often abused or construed to propagate the interest of some parties within bloc. Creating an alternative system to provide peace and security since the UN system is dragging its progress while many people continue to suffer is welcome to help quell the situations. Creation of a community of democracies is not a s...
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