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EAS219 Week 8 Research Assignment Paper on Food

Essay Instructions:

Essay #2 (~800–1000 words)

A certain food writer once said: “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Discuss whether or not you agree with this famous claim, and explain your reasoning based on course readings.


discuss at least three (3) readings from weeks 8 & 9, using proper citation (author and page number)

cover two East Asian regions


You can supplement your argument with readings from previous weeks, or refer to your Field Report experiences.

If you don't mind reading ahead, you can also use “Asia's Contributions to World Cuisine” from week 11.

Some suggestions for thinking about your argument:

What might be the underlying logic of this claim?

What might be wrong with the underlying logic of this claim?

What connects “what you eat” to “what you are”?

What are some complications/problems that come from connecting “what you eat” with “what you are”?

How do such cases play out in East Asia?

How do cuisines and identities shape each other?

To make a more persuasive point, it is always better to anticipate the other side's arguments. What evidence might your opponents use to disagree with you?

To facilitate grading, make sure you:

Double-space your essay

save your uploaded file using this format: Surname_First Name_Essay2.

(For example: Feng_Linda_Essay2.docx)

paste your essay text into the text box AND upload your essay as a file.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The famous claim “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are”
Date of submission
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are." Discuss whether or not you agree with this famous claim, and explain your reasoning based on course reading.
Healthy eating is vital for optimal and active health. Adopting unhealthy dietary habits may be harmful to our well-being. There are several nutritional disorders which result from unhealthy eating habits. Obesity, overweight, coronary heart disease among others are examples of unhealthy eating habits. The individual in the various occupation is defined by what they consumed. It is important to be in control of our eating habits. Poor eating habit is harmful and has got the potential to compromise an individual health status (Stewart, 2014). However, with good eating habits, optimal nutritional status and productive health status can be achieved. This paper is going to discuss whether the famous claim "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are," is valid or otherwise. The paper will draw the comparison from the previous reading course reading.
Ordinary, our nutritional status and eating habits are reflected right from what we eat. It is in the record to analyze and predict an individual nutritional status based on their dishes. Different cuisines are associated with different cultural practices and religious beliefs. Kimchi dishes are associated with Koreans and Asians individual. On the other hands, African origins can also be defined by unique recipes. Other than the origins and the citizenship of people, cultural practices and religious beliefs of a particular community can be defined based on what they eat (Mintz, & Du Bois, 2002, pp, 101). Different cultures have got their unique and preferred dishes. For instance, pastoralist communities in every part of the world are identified with animals' protein in their diets. Similarly, Islamic community can be identified with a certain cuisine which is rarely available in Christian's households or other religious beliefs.
An individual occupation and daily economic activities can be predicted based on what we eat. Military personnel and other security staffs are given light and durable foods items. Canned foods with longer shelf life are given to security personnel who are deployed on a mission. This military personnel is cautioned against eating heavy diets which can make them heavy and gained more weights. The diets for military staffs are similar to that of sportsmen and women since these people are active and should not gain excess weights (Mintz, 2007, pp, 208). Consequently, the diets for manual workers are full with carbohydrates and other energy giving foods to provide their body with the additional energy required to perform various strenuous tasks. However, these diet is different from office staffs mandated with light duties and responsibilities. Finally, the media presenters who are obsessed with their body shape and size can also be identified with their special dishes. It is simple and easy to predict various occupation of people based on what their dishes. Media presenters prefer light and less sweetened foods which have got minimal effects on their weights. Mostly, they have large portions of vegetables and fiber in their diets to keep them satisfied for a long time.
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