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Physical Education: Football, Basketball, and Baseball

Essay Instructions:

A person who is competent in critical thinking possesses the ability to analyze and evaluate information, arguments, interpretations, or hypotheses in order to solve problems and form well-reasoned positions. Read the following proposal and answer the questions at the end. Try to write a one-paragraph answer for each question. On this assignment, I am grading more on the quality of thinking and less on the quality of writing exhibited in the responses. 
It is well known that boys like to play sports like football, basketball, and baseball. Also, it well known that public schools are often struggling to adequately fund their academic programs. As a result, I propose eliminating physical education for boys because they already receive enough exercise from playing sports and it will save the government millions of dollars every year. Many researchers who study these kinds of problems already agree with me. 
*1 What assumptions are being made by the author?
*2 How strong is the evidence? 
*3 Do you agree or disagree with this proposal? Why or why not?
Please write a paragraph with 2 sources
Should college football be banned because of the high risks of traumatic brain injury? Why or why not? Increasing amounts of research indicate a link between the type of head-impact injuries (i.e., concussions and sub-concussive hits) common among football players and chronic neurological problems, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which is similar to Alzheimer's Disease. For more information, read David DiSalvo's "Is Malcolm Gladwell Right, Should College Football Be Banned To Save Brains?" at http://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/sites/daviddisalvo/2013/07/21/is-malcolm-gladwell-right-should-college-football-be-banned/.
Please write a full paragraph with 2 sources.
Should parents dress their children in "gender appropriate" colors and clothing? Why or why not? The longest-serving President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was photographed as a 2-year-old with shoulder-length hair and a white dress, which was a common look for both boys and girls of his generation. 
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Physical education is also known as physical training. It is an educational course that entails psychomotor learning in a work and play environment. Physical education is embedded in the curriculum of both primary and secondary schools and is an examinable coursework material in most schools.
The author makes an assumption that engaging in physical education in primary and secondary schools is an expensive endeavor for the government since it costs the government millions of money. There is evidence to support that physical training is a costly affair, and the evidence is adduced by the fact that training facilities to cater for the high influx of students are expensive to build and maintain. There is a direct cost in paying for expertise by the trainers (DeForge, 2015). Space is also a factor to consider in looking at the expenditure on physical education since, expansion and construction of new facilities have to be done on acquired land despite the high rate of appreciation in land rates.
The author proposes to have physical education rooted out since students already engage in sports activities (Evans, 2010). I strongly disagree with his proposal since the factual data collected is biased to one side and thus does not give a clear situation of the real picture. Physical education has various ...
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