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Cognitive Psychology Module: Human Grow and Development

Essay Instructions:

Throughout this module/week, 
you will determine how the physical, cognitive, and social changes occur during middle adulthood. In this time of life, many people face visible reminders that time is passing by; they examine marriage and family dynamics. Does intelligence decline during this period? How do memory capabilities change during middle adulthood? There are also personality changes faced during this time of life that affect everyone in a different manner. 
you will be able to: 
• Examine personal life choices and how they affect the aging process.
• Examine spirituality and satisfaction.
• Determine what the Sandwich generation is.
• Examine theories in marriage counseling.
• Identify the clinical needs at this developmental period
Reply: Reply to 2 other classmates with encouraging, uplifting verses from the Bible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Grow and Development
Susan Cummings
Liberty University
Cognitive Psychology
1.0 My Human Growth and Development
1.1 Introduction
Middle age commences at age 40 and ends at approximately age 60. By this time, children have left home, and their career paths are more set. Personal attitudes determine how old or young a person feels. Those who are active feel more healthy and secure and on the other hand, those who are cynical, disappointed and angry about their lives are less optimistic at this age. When there is proper medical care coupled with nutritional benefits, the older people will feel more youthful than in the past. However, there are some declines during this stage, but they could be moderated through the family, social networks and career connections (Bielak, Cherbuin, Bunce, & Anstey, 2014).
1.2 Physical changes
This changes are evident from the wrinkling of the skin, a fuller body, thinning hair and slower pace in movement and thinking. The vision also is affected such that the ability to see clearly is lost. Hearing too becomes problematic due to the deteriorating inner ear structures that are caused by cell death as well as loss of supply in the blood (Ormrod, 2012).
1.3 Cognitive Changes
In the process of aging, the thought processes of people change. Some cognitive abilities plummet while others intensify. For instance, crystallized intelligence escalates through the middle adulthood because the adults are adding to their skills and knowledge both at work and in leisure activities. Crystallized intelligence is defined as the skill that is dependent on cumulated experience, knowledge or mastery of conventions. On the other hand, the fluid intelligence, which refers to the primary information processing skills and the capacity to analyze information, detect relationships and that of working memory declines. People hold less information in the working memory as they age. Organization and elaboration are techniques used less often as people age; therefore people do not link new information with the old. As a result, the memory declines, which is related to the use of few strategies in memory consolidation (Ormrod, 2012).
1.4 Social changes
There are personality changes that occur causing people to behave differently. The personality changes affect the people around them, which in turn affects the society. For instance, hostility and anger are associated with health problems. As people age, they are prone to more diseases. Research shows that those suffering from heart diseases change personality into being extremely competitive, impatient, hostile and with anger outbursts. Others indulge in extreme anger as they try to adjust, especially while coping with menopause. The anger increases their stress hormones, blood pressure, and heart rates, therefore stressing the body. They in turn display dissatisfaction with life, more depression and have less social interactions (Ormrod, 2012).
2.0 Empirical studies
2.1 The Sandwich Generation
This is the generation that supports both the aging parents and their children. The people between the ages of 40-65 years mostly find themselves here. The generation is sandwiched since they have to take care of the aged parents who probably are experiencing frequent illnesses and unable to perform various tasks and still need financial support and the children who also need physical, emotional and financial support. This generation is overwhelmed, and they commonly neglect self-care (Tarantine, 2014). Approximately half of the adults (47%), in their 40s and 50s have a parent at age 65 or older and they are still supporting a grown child of age 18 and above. About one in every seven middle-aged adults (15%), they are providing financi...
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