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Plato's argument of 'Philosophical life as the Best form of life'

Essay Instructions:
Short Essays: Hi again, So i want you to put your best effort, and write these essays for me. This is a short essay- So roughly about 2-3 pages maximum for each. I will also, upload Book notes, so you can go through the same book that we\\\'ve been going through from past 4months. So please make sure that you read the book notes, and lecture notes in order to answer each of these essay questions. The questions is , This means no outside random sources can be used. don\'t use citations. Don\'t say something random. The essay 2nd essay question is : [3.02] Plato offers a “psychological” argument that the philosophical life is the best, and therefore preferable to a life that involves injustice. Yet it seems as though this is an empirical question that would be better addressed by empirical research. Is Plato's argument thereby flawed? Explain and defend your answer. So please provide me 2-3 pages maximum short essay and be reasonable, use concise wording and please don\'t write history essay. This is philosophy paper, so you need to be able to defend yourself well. You don\'t need to use any other sources or citations. Just keep it simple and legit. because this is going to be taking place in exam room. so that means, i will be out of resources. It\\\'s only my mind and brain to write this essay. If you have to make it 3 pages let me know. i will send the payments after your done with the order.
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Plato’s argument of “Philosophical life as the Best form of life”
The philosophical meaning of life concerns such questions as the significance of life. Plato argued that the meaning of life lay in the optimal attainment of knowledge. Just like previous predecessors, Plato believed that this knowledge was in the form of the good. Just and good things derive their utility and value from the good in them. This good exists in terms of justice. Plato referred to justice as the social virtues that exist in any society. To locate these social virtues, he proposes the use of an ‘elimination method’ (Plato, 428B- 445E). The fact that the society is ideal necessitates the presence of standard virtues. They include courage, moderation, wisdom and justice, and they must be present in any society. Being the principal form of knowledge that composed of the meaning of life according to philosophers, Plato argued that justice is the possession of one’s own and the process of performing one’s own tasks (Plato, 433E- 434A). Plato, in book 7, 8 and 9, brings out the relationship between the society and psyche (the various types of injustice in the society or among people). According to his argument, the two have a parallel relationship.
. Plato holds that there are three kinds of lives; the philosophical life, the glory hound life and the money making life. Given a choice between the three, Plato holds that to determine the best way of life between the three there are two ways of going about it (Plato 580d–583a). A person can live a portion of each life, whereby he or she makes decision foe himself/ herself. The second option is the use of one’s powers of imagination, empathy and probing discussion to strategically imagine ourselves in each of the three lives. In so doing, Plato holds that for the second option to succeed, one must accept that the best life is the philosophical life.
The philosopher, unlike the money maker, or the glory haunter, enjoys the advantage of having the knowledge of other lives. Hence, if asked, a person living this life defends his argument for his life as best based on his vast knowledge and wider experience. A philosopher, according to Plato, is a ...
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