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Plant Anatomy

Essay Instructions:

Choose two research articles from the list below. Read the two articles you chose as if you were a reviewer/editor for a scientific journal and were trying to decide whether to publish their findings.

Auxin Gradients Are Associated with Polarity Changes in Trees

Senescence in Plant Development

Manipulation of the Blue Light Photoreceptor Cryptochrome 2 in Tomato Affects Vegetative

Development, Flowering Time, and Fruit Antioxidant Content

Scientific American

Auxin as a Model for the Integration of Hormonal Signal Processing and Transduction

Genes & Development

Guar Seed ß-Mannan Synthase Is a Member of the Cellulose Synthase Super Gene Family

Control of Arabidopsis flowering: the chill before the bloom

Plant Development: Regulation by Protein Degradation

Cell Identity Mediates the Response of Arabidopsis Roots to Abiotic Stress

CO-FT Regulatory Module Controls Timing of Flowering and Seasonal Growth Cessation of Trees

Ethylene Modulates Stem Cell Division in the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root

The Loves of the Plants

Now write a 700 - 750 word summary and critique the two articles. In your paper briefly summarize the purpose and experimental design of each study and then take a position of "yes, I approve these studies for publication because…" or "No, I reject one or both studies but may reconsider if the following suggestions are implemented" and then back up your position with what you have learned in this course so far.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Plant anatomy

Article 1
“Auxin and the integration of environmental signals into plant root development” by Kemal Kazan
The article discusses recent findings on how plants utilize an extremely vital plant hormone called auxin. Ideally, auxin is a versatile plant hormone that foster or act as mediator of environmental adaptation in plants. The article emphasizes on the recent findings to emphasize his point of how plants use this auxin as an aspect or mediator to modify their root system structure when responding to a biotic rhizosphere signals and other diverse biotic signals. The author narrows his perspective towards how auxin works by arguing that there are different systems of transporting auxin in plants. For instance, auxin that is synthesized in aerial tissues is transported systematically and locally throughout the plant. More so, auxin can be transported between cells of the plant. Auxin can also be transported rapidly and directly from shoots to roots through a medium called the phloem. Prior to how auxin is transported, the author explains the benefits of auxin in plants. Firstly, auxin helps lateral root development because it allows plant roots to develop unique capabilities to sense and respond to nutrients that are in the soil. Therefore, the importance of auxin as a potential development remedy to improve crop productivity is factual because auxin integrates environmental signals in plant – root development and at the same time it integrates the plants overall biotic and stress tolerance mechanism. This facts are supported by various researchers that include Zhang et al., 2008, 2012; Kazan and Manners, 2009; Shen et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010; Stirnberg et al., 2012). These researchers claim that auxin not only help in lateral root development; but it also increase stress-associated genes. More so, (Morelli and Ruberti, 2000; Keuskampa et al., 2010) supports the functions and importance of auxin in plants by arguing that auxin grants plant with shade avoidance mechanism when plants encounter strong competition from nearby plants. During such situations, auxin helps in the shade avoidance mechanism by reducing far red light rations.
The article is extremely informative on how root development mechanism is developed and it is supported by many researchers who provide similar evidence; but I would not approve it for publication because it lacks the deep or elaborative explanation aspect. It is good for publication but the author should first present clear explanation of the mechanism on how and what exactly happens in the entire process. A clear expl...
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