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Journal Article Research Question

Essay Instructions:

Journal Article

Below are links to three different articles that correspond to each of the first three chapters in our text.

Select one of the articles. After you read the article, write a short paper (3 pages, double spaced) that addresses the following questions (please use the same structure, organization, and subheadings in your paper):

Reference (APA style):

Citation (APA style):


  1. What is the Research Question? What interesting and/or important sociological issue is this study trying to solve?
  2. What type of Background Information is provided (this will usually appear in the Introduction or Literature Review)? You can simply list the major topics that are discussed as part of the background for this study.
  3. What is the research Methodology? How were the data collected? If appropriate, include a description of the subjects, location/setting, procedures, and a description of any instruments (such as a questionnaire) that were used. Also, discuss any potential limitations to this study (there are generally two types of limitations: some related to the validity of the study (that is, are the researchers able to collect accurate data? Are they measuring what they need to in order to answer the research question? Are there any threats to the accuracy of the study?) and some are related to the ability of the research to be generalized to other settings (that is, if the study was conducted in New York City, are the results likely to be applicable to Los Angeles? Denver? Fresno?).
  4. What are the most important findings/Results?
  5. What are the most important Conclusions? What did the authors learn?


NOTE: When you click on these links you will be re-directed to the Student Study Site. On the landing page you will see a list of articles that have cited the article you selected. Just to the right of that list you will see the heading This Article with Full Text PDF highlighted; click on that link. You can also go to the Student Study Site directly and select the article from the apappropriate chapter resources.

Chapter 1

Ling, R., & Slaid, G. (2010). Mobile communities: Are we talking about a village, a clan, or a small group? American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1133-1147.

Greaves, C.J., & Farbus, L. (2006). Effects of creative and social activity on the health and well-being of socially isolated older people: Outcomes from a multi-method observational study. The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 126(3), 134-142.
Social Interventions

Miller McPherson, M., Smith-Lovin, L., & Brashears, M.E.(2006). Social isolation in America: Changes in core discussion networks over two decades. American Sociological Review, 71(3), 353-375.

Chapter 2

Harding, D.J. (2007). Cultural context sexual behavior, and romantic relationships in disadvantaged neighborhoods. American Sociological Review, 72(3), 341-364. (Don't be scared-off by the statistics! Just talk about what you can understand!).
Culture and Theory

Bennett, L., Goodman, L., & Dutton, M.A. (1999). , Systemic obstacles to the criminal prosecution of a battering partner: A victim perspective. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14(7), 761-772.
Domestic Violence Research

Rodríguez, H., Trainor, J., & Quarantelli, E.L. (2006). Rising to the Challenges of a Catastrophe: The Emergent and Prosocial Behavior following Hurricane Katrina. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 62(1), 82-101.
Inductive and Deductive Techniques

Chapter 3

Bonta, J., Wallace-Capretta, S., and Rooney J. (2000). A quasi-experimental evaluation of an intensive rehabilitation supervision program. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 27(3), 312-329.
Maintaining Honesty

Leakey, T., Lunde, K.B., Koga, K., & Glanz, K. (2004). Written parental consent and the use of Incentives in a youth smoking prevention trial: A case study from Project SPLASH. American Journal of Evaluation, 25(4), 509-523.
Written Consent

Rios, V.M. (2009). The consequences of the criminal justice pipeline on Black and Latino masculinity. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 623(1), 150-162.
Maintaining Privacy

You will find an example of this assignment - and all future Journal Article Assignments - in Doc Sharing. The example is based on the article below. The example is meant to provide you with an illustration of the organization of your paper and of the types of information that should be included in each section. This article is part of the NU Library collection. If you have difficulty accessing the article from the link below try logging in to the library and search on the author or title.

Casey, D. (2007, March). Findings from non-participant observational data concerning health promoting nursing practice in the acute hospital setting focusing on generalist nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(3), 580-592.
Non-Participant Observation



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal Article
Journal Article
Research Question
The research question of the article focuses on how culture relates to adolescents decision making and behavior especially in disadvantaged neighborhoods. The research aims at analyzing how cultural sociology has evolved from the conception of culture as an internally coherent set of values towards fragmented and composed incongruent bits of information (Harding, 2007).
Background Information about the Research
The main topics discussed includes how cultural heterogeneity influences adolescents due to their developmental stages associated with a strong focus on social identities, peer influence and risk taking processes. The main concern is the consequences faced by adolescents from a wider array of cultural models within their social environment. If an individual understanding is constructed from observation during interaction with broader cultural ideas from media and other institutions, an average adolescent in a disadvantaged neighborhood will develop a wider range of scripts and frames (Harding, 2007).
Cultural flexibility is developed when cultural model diffuses across small groups through local and extended interaction networks. It is important to consider multiple frames and scripts for romantic relationships that are available within the neighborhood of disadvantaged neighborhoods. In these neighborhoods, there are wider array of models compared to several middle-class communities, moreover, in both mainstream and alternative model offer social support (Harding, 2007).
The challenge comes about where there are multiple models because their advantages and disadvantages are not clearly defined. As a result, the social environment becomes weak element in providing the best option because the social support from other environments might contain different options. In an environment with many options, very few people will enact a particular option because fewer people will follow a specific script successfully resulting in fewer examples. Hence, he available details of scripts are no clearly defined making it harder to enact such script (Harding, 2007).
Different arguments are presented to demonstrate how culture, when invoked, helps us understand the consequences of growing up in disadvantaged communities. One of the arguments presented talks about how social interaction in isolated neighborhood leads to the development of cultural repertoire that are oppositional limiting individual opportunities in the labor market and society in general (Benford and Snow, 2000). The author argues that status system influence adolescence behavior, adolescents from underclass neighborhoods experience early single parenthood and high rates of teenage pregnancy. Another argument presented is about racial segregation where concentration of poverty results to oppositional culture in the inner cities, the oppositional culture overturns the conventional norms and values due to the blocked opportunities .Due to racial isolation and concentration poverty has continued, as ghetto values, atti...
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