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Piaget Meets Santa Claus

Essay Instructions:

Learning Objectives:
Explain major theories and perspectives in Developmental Psychology .
Be familiar with the changes and milestones expected in human development in the areas of physical, perceptual, cognitive, and social/emotional development from conception to death.
Apply psychological principles to social issues and everyday problem solving.
Your assignment is to answer the eight questions below. Draw your answers from what you've learned about Piaget's theory. Based upon Piaget's theory, take the child's perspective and explain what thoughts might go through the child's mind as they encounter Santa. 
Provide examples of how the child would interact with Santa, what they will think about Santa, and how they will feel about Santa. You can also explain what the child may believe about the existence of Santa. To receive full credit, you must demonstrate applying Piaget's theory in your answers to these 8 questions. 
1 What are the general characteristics of the sensorimotor stage child? 
2. On encountering Santa, explain how the sensorimotor stage child would react and behave. 
3. What would this stage child observe and believe?
4. How would the sensorimotor child approach or deal with this experience? 
Now select one of these two stages of cognitive development: Preoperational Stage or Concrete Operational Stage and answer the questions below based on the stage you selected. 
5. What are the general characteristics of the ____________ stage child? 
6. On encountering Santa, explain how the____________ stage child would react and behave. 
7. What would this stage child observe and believe? 
8. How would the ____ child approach or deal with this experience?
Remember: Write out both the question and answer. Yes, your answers sometimes will overlap. I do not want a book written for each answer- I'm a more quality over quantity type of grader

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development
What are the general characteristics of the sensorimotor stage child?
Children go through a series of development stages before they are able to internalize the various aspects of life and their being along with interacting with other people and their environment. The sensorimotor stage of a child development is the first among the four stages established in the Piaget’s theory. At this stage, there are some several characteristics that the child will exhibit as a sign of their growth and development relative to cognitive abilities (Cherry, 2016). It is common for the children at the stage to exhibit reflexes. The child will experience their environment through the use of sensory reflexes, such as touch, looking and sucking (McLeod, 2015). They will also show some element of circular reactions, where they coordinate sensations and repeat them such as sucking a finger. They will also imitate those that they interact with and indicate early representation of thought (Cherry, 2016).
On encountering Santa, explain how the sensorimotor stage child would react and behave.
Given the age of the child, it is quite interesting to note that the child may not at all recognize who Santa is. This is relative to the fact that at this age, the child will mostly be learning from copying what they see from the adults and other children around them. In most of the cases, it is possible that the first reaction of the child will be trying to trace the face of Santa, from their memory. As such, the child will mostly be playing with Santa’s costume, which to the child may seem appealing. These includes such features such as the beards, the clothing or simply their hands and facial features.
What would this stage child observe and believe?
At this stage, the child is mostly going to be observing what the rest of the people are doing or in this case Santa. Mimicking is one of the key characteristics of the child at this stage, and as such, much of the reaction would be associated with copying what actions they see from people. Aspects such as singing are going to be key to the actions that they will mimic the adults. They may not believe anything about Santa, this is relative to the fact that at this age they do not have the ability to believe in any form of knowledge (Cherry, 2016). At this age, they are still developing their motor skills and much of their memory is not fully developed to store informati...
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