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Topic 7: Personality Disorder Main Symptoms (DSM Criteria)

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: Complete the chart below by selecting two different personality disorders and listing the main symptoms of the disorder. Include a minimum of four symptoms per disorder.

Part 2: Provide short answers of 50-75 words each for the following questions/statements. Do not exceed 100 words for your response. Use the textbook, and any other scholarly resources to support your responses. Include at least one scholarly, evidence-based source per response.

  1. What are the challenges associated with treating a person diagnosed with a personality disorder? Include at least two challenges in your response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Topic 7: Personality Disorder Chart   Part 1: Complete the chart below by selecting two different personality disorders and listing the main symptoms of the disorder. Include a minimum of four symptoms per disorder.   
Personality Disorder Main Symptoms (DSM Criteria)
  1. Paranoid personality disorder.
Criteria A includes  mistrust and suspicion of other people’s intention that begins in adulthood this may include 1. Holding grudges. 2.they doubt the loyalty of others 3.They interpret benign remarks as hurtful and personal 4. Do not confide in others as they believe they will be betrayed. 5. Jealous and suspicious of their intimate partners without valid reason.   Criteria B is that these symptoms will not be during psychotic episodes of schizophrenia with psychotic features (Lee, 2017).  
  1. Narcissist Personality disorder
  1. Exudes arrogance and haughty behaviors.
  2. Interpersonally exploitative, they use other people to achieve their selfish goals.
  3. They require a  lot  of admiration
  4. They lack empathy, do not wish to listen or understand other people feelings
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