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Water Quality And Contamination: Dependence Of Man On The Environment

Essay Instructions:

You are required to develop a rough draft for your Final Lab Report, which covers the drinking water quality experiment from the Week Two Lab assignment “Lab 2: Water Quality and ContaminationPreview the document.” Please use the Week Three Assignment Template for preparing your rough draft to insure that you include all required components in a well-organized manner. Before completing this Template, view the Tutorial on the Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report Template so that you have a clear picture on how to use the template most effectively. This rough draft must also be reviewed using the Grammarly (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. tool from the Writing Center to help you identify and correct any mistakes to your rough draft. Be sure to submit a screen shot of the Grammarly report and the corrected rough draft to the Week Three Assignment box. This resource will show you how to take a screen shot on your computer and upload it to Waypoint successfully.

Complete the following steps to submit both reports:

Carefully read the instructions for your Final Lab Report assignment located within Week Five of the course..

Download the Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report TemplatePreview the documentand utilize this form to ensure correct formatting and inclusion of all required material.

View the Tutorial on the Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report Template so that you can apply the template with success.

Use at least two scholarly sources, two credible sources, and your lab manual to support your points.

The rough draft must be three to five pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Use the Grammarly tool to proofread your paper before submitting it for grading. Grammarly is a free proofreading program available to all Ashford students.

To learn how to set up and use Grammarly, watch the Grammarly tutorial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Upload your paper to Grammarly and take a screen shot of your reviewed paper. Need help taking a screen shot? See this handoutPreview the document.

Save the Grammarly screenshot to your computer and submit it along with your assignment. This means that you will submit two documents to Waypoint: the Grammarly screen shot and your corrected rough draft.

Note: Need help using Grammarly? Email the Writing Center.

Note: Please do not use www(dot)grammarly(dot)com to sign up as you will get limited feedback. Ashford University pays for additional fabulous Grammarly services so you don’t have to. If you encounter any problems or technical issues, please contact:

The Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report must contain the following seven sections in this order:

Title Page - This page must include the title of your report, your name, course name, instructor, and date submitted.

Introduction - This section should discuss why the experiment was conducted. At a minimum, it should contain three paragraphs. One paragraph must cover background information of similar studies that have already been done in the area. This is accomplished by citing existing literature from similar experiments and explaining their results. A second paragraph should discuss an objective or a reason why the experiment is being done. Why do we want to know the answer to the question we are asking? A third paragraph should provide a hypothesis for the experiment conducted, along with your rationale behind that hypothesis.

Materials and Methods - This section should provide a detailed description of the materials used in your experiment and how they were used. A step-by-step rundown of your experiment is necessary; however, it should be done in paragraph form, not in a list format. The description should be exact enough to allow for someone reading the report to replicate the experiment, but it should be in your own words and not simply copied and pasted from the lab manual.

Results - This section should include the data and observations from the experiment. All tables and graphs should be present in this section. Additionally, there should be at least one paragraph explaining the data in paragraph form. There should be nopersonal opinions or discussion beyond the results of your experiments located within this section.

Discussion - This section should interpret or explain the meaning of your data and provide conclusions. At least three paragraphs should be outlined here. First, a paragraph should be present that addresses whether your hypothesis was confirmed or denied and how you know this. Second, you are to discuss the meaning of your findings in this area utilizing scholarly sources to put the paper into context. For example, how do your results compare with the findings of similar studies? Also, you should discuss if there are any outside factors (i.e., temperature, contaminants, time of day) that affected your results. If so, how could you control for these in the future? Finally, you should discuss any future questions arising from your results and how you might test them with new experiments.

Conclusions - This section should provide a brief summary of your work. What are the key take-away points from your study?

References - Provide a list of at least two scholarly sources, two credible sources, and your lab manual that will be used in the Final Lab Report. Format your references according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Note: An abstract must be included in the Final Lab Report. However, the abstract should not be included in the rough draft as it is to be written last after the entire paper is fully written. Do not forget this in your Final Lab Report.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Water Quality and Contamination Final Lab Report SCI 207: Dependence of Man on the Environment Instructor Date   Introduction Body Paragraph #1 - Background:   Water is important for the natural balance of the environment, while the largest proportion of fresh water recirculates via the soil, vegetation and ecological processes. The experiments focus on the water quality of both tap and bottled water as well as the impact of oil, vinegar, and liquid detergents contaminants on water. The water quality has been contaminated using the oil, acids, and detergents. Chemical risk assessment on the sources of water is prioritized before distributing drinking water and even what appears low level contamination can cause long-term health deterioration (Whelton et al., 2015). The presence of heavy metals in water, or the oil affects the plant roots, potentially inhibiting cell division (Silva, 2012). There are differences in the water quality between the bottled and tap water Body Paragraph # 2 - Objective:  The aim of the experiment is to determine whether there are different chemical compounds in bottled and tap water. There is tap water, contaminated water and purified water. Biodiversity reflects the quantity, variety, and variability of living organisms, including the diversity within species, between species and between ecosystems. Water is essential to sustain biodiversity, where water scarcity and contamination can result in the loss of species and ecosystems. The number of plant species in a given area is an indicator of the plant diversity. Human activities alter ecosystems and biodiversity changes due to contamination, while some plants are more vulnerable or at times, the environment becomes more conducive for the rapid growth of certain species. Body Paragraph # 3 - Hypothesis * Dasani bottle water is the cleanest compared to tap and Fiji water * If there are no contaminants in bottled water, it will be same with tap water. * Hypothesis: There will be similar biodiversity of species in the case of uncontaminated water when the tap and purified water are used * Hypothesis:  If oil, vinegar, and the detergent are added to water, there will contaminate and affect the quality of the water. The water hardness ammonia, chlorine, alkalinity, phosphate and iron levels affect the quality of the water and there are differences between the bottled and tap water. The contamination affects the quality of water and in making the hypothesis I assumed that this affects how plants thrive because there are different environmental factors that influence plant growth. Surprisingly, the seeds from the contaminated water grew faster than in the two pots. Contamination may slow down growth, but depending on the contamination, the plants may thrive if the plant species is the contaminant, which is a mineral. Materials and Methods Body Paragraph # 1 There were 3 bottles of tap water, Dasani and Fiji water 1) 100 mL graduated cylinder, 3) 250 mL beakers, (3) 100 mL beaker, Ammonia test strips, Chloride test strips, 4 in 1 test strips, Iron test strips, paraflim, stopwatch and reducing powder. I then labeled the three 100 mL beakers containing tap, Dasani and Fiji bottled water as 1, 2 and 3 respectively. I started with the ammonia test where the strip was placed in the beakers containing water, this was followed by the chloride test strip where I measured chlorine levels and recorded the results. I then used placed a 4 in 1 test strip in each beaker of water to measure the amount of pH, alkalinity, and hardness in the water and recorded the outcome. I then used the phosphate test strips to test phosphates, which were placed in water for five seconds and then the results were recorded. This was followed by the iron test, where I used lessening powder in each beaker and parafilm and then the iron test strips placed in the beaker and results recorded. Lastly, the pH results were recorded in table 6 and I observed changes in color. In week 3 , the materials provided were eight 250 mL Beakers, markers, 3 star sticks, 100 mL Graduated cylinder, 10 mL Vegetable oil, 10 mL liquid detergent, 10 mL Vinegar,100 mL Beaker Cheesecloth and soil scissors. The beakers were first labeled using a permanent marker from 1-8 and then I added 100 mL of water in beakers 1-4. In beaker 1, there was clear and uncontaminated water, while in beaker 2, oil was added to water and mixed thoroughly and for beaker 3, vinegar was added to water and mixed thoroughly. Liquid laundry detergent was added to water and mixed thoroughly in beaker 4. All the observations for beakers 1-4 were recorded including the smell and color. After this, I cut the cheesecloth into four different pieces, which were folded and used to line the funnel. I then measured soil and placed it in the funnel where water was filled into beaker, the funnel was placed inside beaker 5 and the contents were poured into beaker 5. I recorded my observations of that beaker, where the cheesecloth and soil were then discarded. The process is repeated where beaker 2 with vegetable oil and was poured into beaker 6, the cheesecloth and soil, and the water was darker compared to beaker 5 because of the soil content. I repeated the process where beaker 2 contents with vegetable oil and was poured into beaker 6. Then, beaker 3 contents with vinegar were poured into beaker 7 and beaker 4 with contents of detergent and were poured into beaker 8. Results Week 2 lab: Drinking Water Quality Table 1: Ammonia Test Results Water Sample Test Results Tap Water 0 mg/L Dasani® Bottled Water 0 mg/L Fiji® Bottled Water 0 mg/L Table 2: Chloride Test Results Water Sample Test Results Tap Water 500 mg/L Dasani® Bottled Water 0 mg/L Fiji® Bottled Water 0 mg/L Table 3: 4 in 1 Test Results Water Sample Total Alkalinity(mg/L) Total Chlorine(mg/L) Total Hardness Tap Water 0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L 50 mg/L Dasani® Bottled Water 0 mg/L 0 mg/L 0 mg/L Fiji® Bottled Water 0 mg/L ...
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