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Social Sciences
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An Essay on Personal Identity and Agency. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Identity is, at least in part, an expression of socialization, some combination of determinism and agency. In this personal essay, you will explore questions like :

Who are you? How do you see yourself?

How do you identify yourself?

To what social structures do you feel connected?

Did you choose those structures? Did someone choose for you? If so, how and why?

How do you feel about your identity? Why?

How do others see you? How do you know?

How will you write it?

1. Choose questions best suited to who you are.

2. Organize those answers in a seamless, interesting fashion.

3. Attend to the conventions of good essay writing: a “grabber ”; topic and transitional sentences; logical order of paragraphs; avoid “local errors” in spelling, usage, and grammar

4. You may quote other sources but that is not a requirement; if you do, however, a References Cited page following APA or MLA guidelines is necessary.

5. Refer to the attached rubric developed by Amy L. Clark.


12-point, Times New Roman

Double-spaced, numbered pages

Standard heading: Your full name, full course title, my name, and the date the paper is uploaded

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Identity and Agency
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Author’s Name
Personal Identity and Agency
An individual mental characteristic defines their uniqueness and consequently make one person differ from another. I am a twenty- year- old adult currently in college. Most of my year mates are in my age mates. Though, some are a year older. Being the first born and a choleric has taught me a lot in life. I do not have to wait until it is too late to take action. I have practiced pro-activeness. Choleric are natural leaders. I happen to fall a victim of this often. In most of the school projects, I would often volunteer to coordinate the team of members. Problem-solving has been a part of my skills. As a firstborn among four siblings, often I had to find creative ways of solving issues while my parents were away. Each time I encounter a challenge, as an individual or as a group of friends, I often find a positive way of dealing with issues. Growing up in a closely knit family has helped me in cultivating friendships through trust. I treasure each of my friends and aim at always being the best friend to them.
Relationships with others are very vital. Wherever I go, I ensure that I have a positive relationship with people within the social structures that I am in. In College, it is no different. The transition from high school to college life was not very difficult for me. I looked for to the opportunities of growing my friendship cycles through shared experiences. I learned that initiating conversations with others might ultimately be the way of building a friendship. Whenever an opportunity arises, I connect with the people around me. Group assignments have helped me in knowing my course mates. In each week, I set out to know at least one member and to keep in touch with them. I do attend religious services in school such as the Christian Union. Through the religious service, I get to build up my social group by joining the sub-units in the group. I am a member of various clubs such as environmental and Journalism. I get to encounter various issues each week, and it broadens my scope of national and international issues surrounding my life. In essence, I thrive through positive relating with people within my social structures.
Social Structures
Social structures exist in schools and other communal places. Social structures play a role in the behavior of the human beings in the particular society. In colleges, social structures are outside the formal academic socialization. I have been part of several social structures since the first time I was admitted. The first kind of social structure that I have been a part of is the hostel friends where we were allocated rooms. Besides my roommate, I found out the occupants of the adjacent rooms and developed a good relationship with them. I bel...
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