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M3A1: Break A Nonverbal Rule: How Did You Break The Rule?

Essay Instructions:

M3A1: Break a Nonverbal Rule 
How did you break the rule? 

For this activity, you will break a NON-VERBAL communication rule, but not one that will cause you to do something illegal or potentially harmful to another person or yourself. (For example: Stand facing the back of the elevator. Carry or wear an item that is inappropriate for the weather. Please come up with your own unique idea.) It is fine to explain later to the person that you are engaged in a class activity, but don’t do so beforehand.

Share your experience by addressing the following:

What rule did you break?

How did you break the rule?

What were the reactions of others?

How did you feel during the experience?

Most importantly, how did your experience illustrate concepts and vocabulary from Module 3? Make sure to use citations when referencing these concepts.

Please write a well-organized, APA-formatted essay of 750 words or more on the subject. Please make sure no plagiarism.

Use this reference

Wood, Julia. Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters 8th Edition. Belmont: Thompson Learning, 2016. ISBN #: 978-1-285-44583-0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

M3A1: Break a Nonverbal Rule
Student’s Name
What rule did you break?
Nonverbal rules are highly essential to any communication. Two rules that govern nonverbal communication and are utilized on a daily basis that I have chosen to violate are maintaining eye contact in a conversation and also the violation of personal space of the other person (Wood, 2016).
Personal space usually varies from culture to culture as some people prefer being near others when discussing a particular topic. I violated two important rules that highlight I was completely wrong to invade the personal space of another individual. The other rule I broke was a failure to maintain eye contact during communication.
How I broke the rule?
The first rule I violated was invading the personal space of someone that was waiting in line at the entrance of the movie theater as they were purchasing their ticket to watch a film. The reason I chose the female individual in my experiment was that I know that Americans typically like to have their own space and I deliberately chose to stand closer to her. The second situation was breaking the rule of eye contact as my friend was discussing a specific story concerning his life. My friend was discussing a story, and I completely showed no interest as I kept on sending text messages on my phone.
The reactions of others
The female individual that I was standing close behind her did not verbally say anything to me, however, her body language expressed differently. She kept moving away from me. Once the person finally reached the counter and left after she bought her ticket, she stared intensively back at me with a highly annoyed look, and I just smiled. In the second situation that involved maintaining eye contact, my friend’s reaction was highly negative as he became angry at the fact that I was not paying attention to his story which, from his reaction, was highly important. He reprimanded me for not being a great listener and simply stood up and left.
How I felt during the experience
Based on the first experience at the movie theatre concerning the female individual, I discovered how essential it is to give space to everyone regardless of their ethnic background. If the situation were reversed, I would have positively reacted similarly as I also know violating anyone’s space by an unknown person is completely wrong (Wood, 2016).
As for my friend’s reaction, I simply learned that maintaining eye ...
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