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Lessons from Historical Genocides and Mass Persecutions

Essay Instructions:

Identify and elaborate on one or more lessons that we have learned from historical genocides or mass persecutions. Can these lessons be applied to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis? 


Essay Requirements:
No more than 550 words in length and double-spaced
At least three varied sources, such as newspaper and journal articles, books, TED Talk videos, documentaries, and government websites
Sources must be documented within text citations and a bibliography

Judging Criteria:
Focus: Insightful development of a relevant thesis
Supporting Evidence: Well researched analysis of the question and convincing arguments with specific examples (Use evidence to support your ideas; do not merely paraphrase sources).
Source Material: Bibliography of three or more varied sources

About the Rohingya Crisis

The Rohingya people, a Muslim-minority group, are currently facing systematic persecution in Myanmar. This has resulted in the forced migration of more than a million Rohingya Muslims to The Rohingya people, a Muslim-minority group, are currently facing systematic persecution in Myanmar. This has resulted in the forced migration of more than a million Rohingya Muslims to Bangladesh, with the number increasing each day. The UN describes this Rohingya Refugee Crisis as “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing”.

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Lessons from Historical Genocides and Mass Persecutions
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Lessons from Historical Genocides and Mass Persecutions
History teaches us great lessons, which we can always apply today. However, it is often the case that atrocities tend to repeat themselves in different world areas. When a genocide or mass persecution occurs in a given country, its people are likely to avoid repetition in the future. This would explain why nations such as Rwanda and Germany have never repeated the genocides experienced in their countries. There is a desire for peace, humanity, and tolerance that is born out of mayhem (Silbert et al., 2004). Yet, unless this idea is realized by people worldwide, there will continue to be mass persecutions and genocides. This paper states the lessons learned from historic genocides and mass persecutions. In addition, it explains how these lessons could be applied to the current Rohingya refugee crisis.
One of the lessons learned from historical genocides is tolerance. Before world war II, Germany's Nazi party became famous among several Germans for spreading hateful rhetoric about Jews (Confino, 2014). When Adolf Hitler came into power, he formulated and executed the most vicious and extensive mass killing of people ever seen (Silbert et al., 2004). All of these people were Jews. Hitler and his party had made people believe that Jews were responsible for Germany's economic turmoil. Hence, in anger, common Germans began extending hatred and violent attacks against Jews in the country (Silbert et al., 2004). A lack of tolerance would lead to history's most devastating genocide.
Another lesson is the need for solidarity. The most recent and disturbing genocide case is that of Rwanda. ...
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