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Electoral Behavior: Shakespeare's Hamlet

Essay Instructions:

1. In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote:

“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason.”

Considering the main approaches to voting behavior in relevant literature, which approach fits this statement by Shakespeare and why? Or how?

2. The Columbia School argues that a voter’s vote is largely determined by his/her social identity.

Explain and discuss.

these are the questions. Read the course pack carefully. Mention the question in Word document (1. answer ; 2. answer) and answer the questions only giving reference from the document i uploaded. Be careful, and write in the best way you can because the professor expects for the best suitable answers. Also 1 and half pages for each question, in total 3 pages. Thanks

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Electoral Behavior
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Electoral Behavior
1 In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote: “What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reasoning.” Considering the main approaches to voting behavior in relevant literature, which approach fits this statement by Shakespeare and why? Or how?
The socio-psychological model best fits the phrase by Shakespeare because of the high degree of complexity with which it explains the voting behavior of Americans. It shifts the perception of voting from a simple exercise of choosing leaders to a complex manifestation of sociological, psychological and pollical factors. Moreover, the level of accountability with which the model evaluates voters illustrate the greatness of human reason when there is interest in discovering how the world, or human beings, work and relate. The nobility of human beings who developed the Michigan socio-psychological model is that they employ a wide range of a variables to understand the relationship between voters and political parties in the United States.
Firstly, the model takes account of voting behavior being a long-term phenomenon, requiring observation of the choices of the voters for a long period of time. The rationale behind the strategy is to ensure that there is disclosure the nature of voting behavior. The two possibilities of voting behaviors are either consistent type of choices or impulsive selection. Impulsive selection would indicate that voters do not have a particular that informs their choices. In such a case, it would be irrational to progress with investigating whether political parties influence voting behavior in the long term. The model, however, informs that voting behavior in the United States is highly consistent, rendering it possible to determine the long-term implication of political parties on the choice of the voters. Parallel to the assertion, Esmer (2021) informs that “the vast majority of voters across their lifetime vote for one party with few variations” (p.20). The logic employed in developing the theory, henceforth, demonstrate a high degree of reasoning that ensures one discovery paves the way for further studying. The fact that the explanation does not lead to a dead-end observation informs that the Michigan researchers were keen to ensure that there was always a mystery that justified further time, energy and money investment in unraveling the unknown.
Secondly, the model shows that human beings have the ability to account for observed happenings by explaining the unseen. After establishing the consistent voting patterns which Americans exhibits, the study diverts to a cause-and-effect investigation of the reason for an individual is likely to vote for the same political party throughout his o...
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