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A Perfect Airport Experience

Essay Instructions:

Airports can be stressful places especially with all additional security. Airport operators think about what they can do to alleviate stress and trigger calming emotions for people at the airport. In a 1000 word APA formatted paper access and discuss what airport operators have done to make the airport experience more calming. Think about the issues that might arise. Use real-life examples to enhance your work. Please cite appropriate references to support your work.

For this assignment and all others in this class please use the university library for peer-review articles, Government websites and/or GAO Reports. Student ideas must be supported by 3-5 academic sources.

The paper must include APA cover, APA header with page numbers, and APA formatted Reference list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Airport Experience Name Institution Many are the times when we find ourselves traveling for official business, for leisure, or even when paying visits to our friends and relatives in different places. It is always the best feeling to describe the perfect traveling experiences and equally the worst even to give the bad traveling experiences a thought. Airports, being the major hubs for such travels, have noticed the urge of travelers to feel quite relaxed in these places. Improved customers’ service boosts economic growth. This paper gives a summary of what a perfect experience at the airport feels like. Getting lost in an airport is not something to write home about. It can be frustrating and even stressful when such happens to you; Imagine getting lost in a foreign land where you detour to connect flights? Airports have hence adopted a building from where you, the traveler, always see the tarmac. This mode of wayfinding (Hullinger, 2017) helps travelers to be able to trace their roots, unlike corridors and corners. This has proven to reduce the stress levels in passengers. When you think of blue, you not only think of it as a primary color but a bright attractive one too. You always meet blue and yellow in many airports, used to label the signs and give directions. What we do not know about these signs is that they send subliminal messages. Research has shown that the higher the board is put, more people are directed the right way (Duffy, 2014), despite this being overlooked; imagine airports having these signs painted white! At times, the relaxed feel of being in the comfort of the household helps to bring calmness to various people. Today, visit any airport, and you would be surprised to see the lounges carpeted and at times the check-in points too, all the way to the boarding gates. Linoleum brings the soft, cozy feel to the airport, and as some people may say, it brings serenity. It is amazing that some airports have introduced therapy for dogs. One feels relaxed when their pet is well taken care of, at least by someone else apart from them. For most travelers, good memories about visiting a place are well appreciated. Getting souvenirs from these destinations spices things up, and for this reason, airports are going local. Fully stocked with trinkets and the likes, travelers continue to shop while at the airports. Not only does this do good business for the regions involved, ...
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